Pragmatism vs Principles


Or: Why do some people allow for their own contradictions?

"It is amazing how strong the libertarian message is in V for Vendetta and Brave New World, yet they are loved by lefties who love the State. How do they reconcile these things? How do they love V and still love the state? The same goes for Hunger Games and even Harry Potter; there are many libertarian themes throughout those books but the progressives never seem to grasp them."


Scotter's take

It can be confusing when people enjoy the opposite of their beliefs and not even see that contradiction we see so clearly.

I propose the primary reason for that is mental retardation. Just kidding.

I really propose it is often because leftists tend to be more pragmatic than principled. So they don't value integrity as much as your average libertarian. In case not clear, by pragmatic here I mean they are more likely to see and treat every situation differently. They see that as being flexible and unconstrained so they can provide the optimal solution for any given situation. We understand that to be short sighted because it often results in "solutions" that do not fit with each other (thus my use of "integrity"). Whereas, we tend to want solutions that are based on a principle, and thus fit together better. Does that make sense? Your thoughts?

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