Walk With Pride

Walk with Pride
I think about what that means to me. First thing that comes to mind is all the people that have supported me being me. My parents, my siblings, and yes my unlimited and amazing friends far and wide. That has not been easy for sometimes in supporting me met that they had to feel uncomfortableness(to put it mildly) for I always have taken people to their limits in one form or another. I can be demanding, pushy. Its part of my path to push limits. All kinds of limits seeking truth, what matters.

Supporting me has never been easy I can demand a lot and yet they /you have always , all of you have always supported me when I needed it. Which makes me feel incredibly appreciative of what that means, and what you have given me in doing so.You have given me a belief in the inner goodness of all humans, in love ,in showing compassion for others, in family, community. You have given me my faith your actions with me.

There's a saying be careful what you wish for you might just get it. Well I have always found that to be very true in my life. and that sometimes these wishes dreams change. That is also part of living.When a dream, wish, chapter ends begin another.

I carry this pride with me from those experiences with you. Greta the latest environmental savior whom is speaking her truth in a way that is touching millions of people worldwide. She states that sometimes being honest means that you have to risk not being popular, that going against the norm , being a leader , being your authentic self means sometimes you have to be willing to be separate from the masses. Walk alone.

It has been my experience that when we are truly being authentic real we attract others that recognize and are inspired by our truth , by our message and our authenticity. Similar to what is going on with Greta as she confronts the global environment crisis thru her words and actions. Many people myself included are inspired by her and our movement towards a greener World that puts the Environment first.
I am very proud of who I am today confronting those things that matter.

The environment, health, community , heart, love, peace, respect ,integrity,family,gender inequality in all its forms. empowerment Worldwide, our children, Mother earth. A greener World. My faith, faith in something greater, my faith in myself, my faith in each of you, our friendship and what you do. The end of racism, sexism, discrimination, violence, abuse,hunger, the resolution of conflict which is necessary for change. Standing up for all these things in my actions and having you all fully support me, that is what makes me walk with pride. All of you.Your love and your belief in me being me.💖🤟🌻

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