PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Addon by Knowband

Knowband developed the new module PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages Addon. This PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Module offers the rich feature the store admin. With the help of this PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Addon, the admin can convert the web pages to the Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP). This PrestaShop Google Accelerated Mobile Pages Module allows the store admin to numerous social media icon on the AMP Pages, they can also display the featured product, new arrival and best seller product in the AMP pages.


It helps the store admin in reducing the load time of the Mobile Pages, and make their website mobile-friendly. The online store admin also gets an option to show videos from different platforms like Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. This fully-featured Prestashop AMP extension allows the online store admin to show Instagram feeds and Twitter feeds on the AMP homepages. Admin can also set the look and feel of the cookie consent block. The store admin can configure Google Analytics, Adsense and Facebook pixel easily.



Features of the PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Addon by Knowband:

1. Easily Create AMP Pages: PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Module easily converts the home page, category pages, product pages and CMS pages into fast-loading AMP pages.
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Create Sitemap: Knowband's PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Addon offers the admin to create the sitemap of the website.
Home Page Customization The Admin can customize the homepage. They can display the custom text on the homepage.

Show Extra Section: PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Addon by Knowband allows the store admin to enable/disable the display of the bestsellers option, featured and new products on home page. Apart from this, they can select the no. of the product shown in a particular section.
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Menu Settings: The Admin can customize the menu option from the back-end or they can add the extra icon.
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Social Media Icon: With the help of this PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Addon, the admin can display the social media icon in the front-end.
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Google Settings: The Prestashop Accelerated Mobile Pages addon enable/disable the Google Analytic option which can help the admin to track the report of the AMP pages. Apart from this, the e-merchant can also configure Adsense and Facebook pixel easily.**

Other Feature of PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Addon:

  1. PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages Addon by Knowband back-end interface extremely easy to use.
  2. Knowban's PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) addon is Mobile responsive.
  3. With the help of this, the PrestaShop store retailer can improve the page load speed of the mobile pages.
  4. PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Module is multi-store compatible.11-1000x1000 (3).jpg

This way the online merchant can impress the mobile users and offer them a better store experience without any hassle. The Prestashop Accelerated Mobile Pages Addon is highly customizable and converts the normal website pages it accelerated mobile pages. It increases the speed and reduces the load time of the web pages without any code changes implementation. Admin can also configure Google analytics from the admin interface of this Google Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) Addon and check the performance of the AMP pages. This Prestashop Accelerated Mobile Pages plugin also generates and updates the sitemap of the mobile website.

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For more information about PrestaShop Mobile Pages(AMP) Addon:

PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages Addon User Manual Link
PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages Addon Admin Demo Link
PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages Addon Front Demo Link
Prestashop Accelerated Mobile Pages plugin marketplace link

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