A Place of Attraction in Myanmar(Bagan)

A place of Attractoin in Myanmar


        I want to give a message about Bagan . Myanmar is a beautiful country,and Bagan is a well-known city.  It is attractive for us because we can see most of the religious relics and buildings. It is also attractive for foreigner because it has ancient culture, arts and crafts.


ā€Œ Bagan is situated on the east bank of the Ayeyarwady in Central Myanmar. It is about 5 kilometres south of Nyaung Oo. Its area is about 16 square miles. It has a hot and dry climate. It was the capital of the Myanmar kingdom during the Bagan dynasty which was from 11th to 13 th Centuries. It became the centre of Buddhism after King Anawrahta attacked Thaton in 1057 and brought to Bangan the Buddhist monk Shin Arahan,the sacred Pitakas and the sacred Pali language.

Bagan has always been and famous for its ancient pagodas and monuments ,
and is recognized by the world's travellers as one of world's wonders.The architecture and the artistry of the craftsmen show Myanmar's wonderful achievement in arts and crafts .


  The lacquareware of Bagan is still very much in use ,and stands as a traditional attraction for all of us . There are also places of interest like the Bagan Archaeological Museum, the  Myanmar handicraft shops and many other antique

shops. As there are many pagodas ,fastivals are held throughout thr year.


    Today, Bagan has become a tourist attraction because of its archeological sites and unspoilt beauty .It is such an

attractive place that both natives and foreigners want to visit Bagan more than once.


Thank you for reading my message about Bagan.

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