Hacking your presentation

  1. Create a speech road map

The good news?… You don’t need to create a script.

And your planning and practice will be much easier without it.

Break your presentation into parts

Based on your knowledge of the topic it’s time to break it down.a destination

Before you do anything else, decide where you want to take the audience.

Practice, practice, practice

Practice your presentation delivery.

Yes, that’s right!…

  1. Have your audience do the work for you

This is killer!

And this is how you can begin to relax more about the presentations you deliver.

Next time you have to deliver a presentation, think of it more like a discussion.

  1. Begin with a lazy story

You’ve probably heard that you can engage and win over your audience if you tell them stories.

It’s true!

Consider this…

Stories are effective when the audience can relate easily. Most likely you are all from the same business, right? At least in the same field?

The great things about this story?

It engages the audience, it’s make a promise which will likely keep them engaged throughout, and it build you up as a presenter… It humanizes you and establishes your credibility to talk about the subject matter as an expert.

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