Series analysis on Presearch Project(crypto Incentive mechanism)

I have spent one month or so to explore this project. I got some observations and some thoughts.

In following series I will make some analysis on this project from point view of community management(here I mean Pre telegram group), crypto Incentive mechanism scheme, business model, and searching engine technique, current project progress etc.

Today the topic is crypto Incentive mechanism

1 there is a search reward scheme, when you do searching by using Presearch, one time get 0.25 PRE token, most 8 PRE tokens one day

2 You can refer friend to get referering reward, 25 PRE per person( this person also get initial 25 PRE after he or her signed up)

Following are some simple math:

Currently there are totally 170,000,000 PRE (about 170 millio) supplies (check it on

There are 103,911,528 (about 100 million) PRE balance in address 0x16fa565b6b61248a5807c3af14f0005b383c4214 (that is this project’s Crowdsale address)

Their founder said several days ago in the tg group, in the past two months, there 200000 users rush into this project, so following the math mathematical formula

200000 * 5 Pre (per day) * 30 * 2 (months) = 60 million

I just count 200000 users, 2 months , 5 Pre (not 8 Pre per day), I do not count the referring reward and initial rewards of 25 Pre , compare with 103,911,528 (the remained balance) and think about it. Of course some figures are my estimation, but you can get a rough picture.

I do not know any normal Crypto project which provide such higher reward. This reward is not sustainable. Although it is sustainable it is harm to the early investor.

So how the team deal with the rewarding scheme.
Following are my observation on tg group, their web site, and transactions happen on the contract of Ethernet mainet. Also contain some thought of me

They start up(the team claims ) reward claim actions two weeks ago. But has a threshold which is now 1K.
I noticed that in their LeaderBoard ( first page contain 50 people whose reward surpass 1k, I estimate at least 80 people who surpass 1k. But 1k token transfer list (does not prove those transfer are reward claims) ( is about 15 or so, it is curious, you can make your judgement.

I meet two guys in TG group, one’s reward is 1700 tokens who got his account blocked recently, another guy whose reward hit 850 or so and got his account blocked recently.

So WTF, their nuclear weapon show up. That is something called Fraud Detecting Subsystem. I think two guys I met got strike from this subsystem (assume so called subsystem existed) The team said this fraud detecting system is evolved all the time. But I just know it is blackbox which protect their balance in the dark.

So my conclusion is: most users cannot get their so called searching reward tokens.

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