What Is Presearch ICO & Do You Plan On Getting Paid To Use It? A Decentralized Search Engine & The 5th Of July Oh Boy!

Could you imagine getting paid everytime you logged onto Google to search for things on the worldwide web? Well you might just get your wish with Presearch. This platform is an open decentralized, community driven platform, that will be selling token real soon. Are you looking forward to the Presearch Crowdsale that will be taking place July 25, 2017 @ 10 am via https://www.presearch.io/ Well If so, they'll be accepting BTC & ETH as forms of payment. Be sure to take a glance at what Presearch is gearing up for in the next few weeks via their Whitepaper.

Maximum cap on crowdsale: 200,000,000 tokens
Total token supply: 1 billion (1,000,000,000)

If in fact this new way of searching the web is adopted by you, I would recommend you use it to search for my baby boy Toot's I-Tunes Release " Good Grades " or you may also want to visit https://www.prestigiouskids.com/

toot promo 1.jpg
If I were to use Presearch for myself I would definitely search the truth behind the 4th Of July today as well as probably look at the new milestones that Litecoin have reached. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/litecoin/

Did you know that while some Americans celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, that Abolitionist Fredrick Douglass gave a heart felt speech July 5, 1852 the day after stating that "This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn.... Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to speak today?"

Fredrick Douglass reminded listeners that when the Declaration of Independence was signed, many blacks were still slaves.
Ironically, Today In 2017 Fredrick Douglass was just spotted on the new and first African American currency $.25 Cents

Fredrick Douglass 2017 Quarter & Happy Steemin guys.

All Credits Of Presearch Information Retrieved Is Available Via https://www.presearch.io/

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