Preparing For The Future Part 3


I take no pride in thinking that the world can be changed or ruled by my words. At best I try to understand what is happening and apply what I can to my future. There is a group that I will refer to as the global elite. Their goal is to manipulate the world for profit, gain and control. They do it by controlling the banks , the political structure of various countries and the resources of the world. This group has now been functioning as a governing body for generations. It is a shadow government with tentacles reaching all over the world. The longevity of it's existence is directly due to it's secrecy. The efficiency of it's function is directly related to it's methods of control.

As I write this there are several regional wars in progress. One of the wars currently has two of the biggest countries in the world involved, on opposite sides in the war. There is another rogue nation that has just tested it's first ICBM. This rogue nation has declared it's game is to nuke the most powerful country on earth.The question---can it take out the most powerful nation with one or two bombs even if it's aim is bad? YES!, all it has to is detonate it in the stratosphere over the central part of the country in the form of an EMP attack which would shut down the electric power grid. It would take years to make repairs and would regress the country two hundred plus years. This is a very possible scenario in the near future. This same rogue nation can launch that same missile and cause other nation to launch missiles in per sieved self defense . In this case it would be a worldwide holocaust. There are other possible scenarios with other countries that are very real. At best this makes our future full of obstacles that are hard to plan for. Is this a controlled or uncontrolled scenario? It can be either. The "elite" may cause the missile to be fired but they may not be able to control the response of nation ( s ) fired upon. So how can one prepare for such a chaotic future ?

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