Pondering The Future Part Two


In this day and age the subject of war and peace is decided by Superpowers as well as the 200 plus nations that cover this earth
. Generally wars are started and fought for the same reasons. Money,fame,ego and control over others. Some wars are even designed by opposing forces to produce a given outcome. As time has passed the world has developed a group that has allegiance to no particular country but only unto themselves. These are commonly referred to as the globalist elite.tThey do have various names but all one and the same. These people decide where the wars will be and which side they choose to be on. Sometimes they are on both sides. They totally control the size and intensity of the conflict. One would think with such control that no one would be stupid enough to cause total anhiliation but I ask you ,the reader of this article, is the action of mankind totally predictable. Can he always be counted on to do that which was planned? As I write this there is a rogue nation that could be taken out by any number of other nations that is threatening the most powerful nation on earth and they have proven that they have nuclear weapons. Why is this tolerated? When a war starts it is virtually impossible to find out who shot first. This is by design. All that is necessary to start a worldwide nuclear holocaust is for this rouge nation to fire nuclear device at any of the other nuclear equipped nations and then they all start firing at each other. Where does this leave the individuals future? How can an individual affect the actions of the elite? You can't. What does the future hold for the individual? As at the beginning of creation the individual must provide totally for himself.

The mindset of thinking there will be employment, a government to control things, healthcare , public utilities ,etc. , etc. will all be history. They will be nothing more than fond memories of the past. How do you prepare for this future? Think of how the first man must have felt. He was forced into the world with nothing . Not even clothes to wear. He had no knowledge concerning tools, weapons , other life forms , medicine , total lack of education yet here we are! We do have definite advantages over this first man Consider the fact that he survived and populated the earth. Did he have any advantages over us? Yes! The earth was much cleaner. It wasn't as contaminated by man as it is today. Does modern man have any advantages over this first man? Yes! Education , tools , weapons , historical knowledge ,etc. , etc. ,. The main advantage being that there will be other human beings.

More to come

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