Indoor RV Growing Update 8

On day 31, I have moved most of the lettuces, transplanted the parsley into soil (for lack of pod space), and now the tomatoes are taller and starting to get buds everywhere...

Tomatoes 3 26 c.jpg

Tomatoes 3 26 a.jpg

Parsley 3 26 a.jpg

Lettuce 3 26 b.jpg

Lettuce 3 26 a.jpg

So far all of the aerogarden things are doing very well, the roots look nice, and they seem to transplant without much shock from one aerogarden into another...

The scallions in soil in the bath garden are doing well, but the others seem to be struggling. The soil is cold even though it is the warmest not sure that will work in the deep winter. Maybe if I add a heat source between the wall and vertical garden...but I am considering scrapping the soil idea all together and creating some form of gutter or pipe hydro or aqua system where we can heat the water, or run a heat tape under the pipes in the winter...or maybe behind the pipe and then an LED light strip along the bottom for the plants under it.

We are working with a vertical space that only has a 4 inch depth, so we will need to get creative...

Aqua would be cool if we could find small cold water fish...when we revamp the bathroom we could include a fish tank under the little sink...My mind is swimming with design options and how to make it work.

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