Why pregnancy makes you beautiful


Pregnancy can bring on a flood of conflicting emotions. Even though you're overjoyed by the new life growing inside you, there may be days when you're frustrated by your stretch marks, swelling abdomen and disappearing waistline. This is called the 'pregnancy blues'.

Rest assured that it gets easier to deal with your growing body in the second trimester. This is because you will clearly be pregnant! Many mums find it hardest in the beginning when you may just look like you've put on weight.

With all the changes happening to your body, it's natural to sometimes wish that you had your pre-pregnancy body back. But there are plenty of pregnancy beauty bonuses that will help you to look and feel great.
What nice surprises does pregnancy have in store?
Here's a little perk that no one told you about: the sight of a pregnant woman often brings out the kindness in people. Supermarket workers suddenly volunteer to help you out to your car. People fall over themselves to hold doors open for you. They give up seats on trains and buses. Everyone smiles at you. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Fast-growing fingernails: around the fourth month, your nails may start to grow faster. Pregnancy hormones get the credit for this, but also the blame. Fingernails may become softer or more brittle too, and you may notice tiny grooves forming along the base of your nails. They should return to normal within a few months after giving birth.

A fabulous head of hair: during the second trimester, you might notice that your hair looks healthier and thicker. You're not actually growing more but, thanks to pregnancy hormones, you're just losing less.

That celebrated "glow": also during the second trimester, you may notice that your skin looks brighter. Hormones are partly responsible, but an increase in blood volume also brings more blood to the skin, giving it a radiant look.

Bigger boobs: it's common to go up a cup size or two during your pregnancy, so you may have a new cleavage to show off!


A very happy mate: believe it or not, your partner may be loving your new physique. Men tend to see the sensuality in blossoming breasts and soft curves. The sight of your pregnant form is a constant reminder of his virility too!
How can I look my best during pregnancy?
Whether or not you find consolation in the pregnancy perks above, there are lots of things you can do to make yourself feel better about your new body:

Emphasise the positive: if your legs are gorgeous, flaunt them in a short dress. Upper arms like a supermodel's? Show them off with a sleeveless top. Proud of your new cleavage? Highlight it with a scoop- or V-neck top.

Spoil yourself: treat yourself to a pedicure, a manicure, a new lipstick or some lacy underwear.

Exercise: feeling fit and strong will make you feel better about the way you look and help you bounce back after the birth. Exercising outside will lift your spirits too.


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