Pregnancy# 4 Why cesarean has become so normal these days?

Today I went for my baby's vaccination.There I met other parents who came for the same. While chatting I found one more similar thing that except one we all were given birth through cesarean. I was not surprised rather shocked. Many years back cesarean delivery are only for complicated deliveries...but now it is so normal. WHY??

You will be surprised to know what I found after doing a little research on finding the reason behind it. In some cases there is medical problem or in other cases are those doctor who find it easier and faster to cut the baby out, rather than wait. There are some doctors who even charge extra money for doing surgery and like we know cesarean patients take more days to recover that means extra hospital bills.

Many of you out there will agree that sometime everything seems normal till the date of birth then suddenly problem arises like placenta got wrapped around the neck of baby or amniotic fluid is less etc etc. From where these things all of a sudden comes and doctor advice us to go for cesarean for the sake of mother's and baby's safety. We are left with no options because at the end we all want our baby healthy and fine in our arms. It might be correct but not everytime, I strongly believe.

Well! I do agree that cesarean has been done because of patients themselves too. Few people want their baby to be born on some auspicious day. Few don't want to go through pain that happens in normal delivery. And some are helpless by their health condition. But we as well as doctors should not forget one major thing that cesarean patient take more time and even face more problems in recovering as compared to those who delivers normally.

At last I would just like to say that babies delivery through cesarean is not unfair but it should not be done without even trying for the normal.

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