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Hello Steemians!

Greetings✋✋....I trust we're all in happy mood as we continue the series on this important subject of preconception sex selection.

Remember, this chapter 4 is the most important part of this series. If you fail to understand this chapter, then it is of no meaning and will amount to no effect to try SEX selection methods that I will be teaching from chapter 5 upwards. READ NOT THIS CHAPTER, BUT STUDY, STUDY...STUDY IT! Ask your questions as comments; I will be pleased to respond to them so that the aim of this series is acheived at the end.

For ease of understanding and in order to limit words within readable threshold, this Chapter 4 is divided into three Parts; 1, 2, and 3. We look at Part 1 today; Part 2 and Part 3 will form the subjects of my subsequent posts on this series.

Hope you got me right...😉

Okay here we go...




Having understood the unique properties of Y and X chromosome sperm, we also need know when you ovulate during your cycle in order to implement Shettles Method. Fertility charting allows you to predict ovulation, pinpoint the most fertile time in your cycle and increase your chances of becoming pregnant. A set of practices used to determine the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's mentrual cycle is referred to as fertility awareness. Predicting ovulation accurately is key to success in Shettles Method, because timing intercourse is the cornerstone of influencing your baby's gender.

Besides, the tome of ovulation is one of the most important things a woman should understand about her body, since it is the determinant in getting pregnant and preventing pregnancy. The process can be confusing and somewhat overwhelming to understand. SO IF YOU HAVE AN IRREGULAR CYCLE WHICH MAKES IT MORE DIFFICULT TO CONCEIVE, IT IS IN YOUR INTEREST TO PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THIS CHAPTER AS WE GO THROUGH OVULATION AND ITS PREDICTION METHODOLOGIES.


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That said; ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovary, pushed down the Fallopian tube and is available to be fertilized. The released egg only survives for between 12 and 24 hours if it is not fertilized. There's only a small window each month during which a woman can conceive, typically no longer than about 5 days - usually four days before ovulation and a day after ovulation.

This time leading up ovulation is when women are most fertile (their fertility window). if no conception occurs, the uterine lining as well as blood will be shed. The shedding of an unfertilised egg and uterine wall is known as menstruation (or period). The average length of period is between 3 days and one week, depending on the individual.

Sperm can survive inside a woman's body for up to 5 days. But the healthiest sperm, with best ability to swim in a straight line (motility), results from sex every 3 - 4 days. SO, TO TRY TO INCREASE THE LIKELIHOOD OF CONCEPTION, YOU SHIOULD TRY TO HAVE SEX IN THE FEW DAYS LEADING UP TO OVULATION AND ON THE DAY OF OVULATION IF POSSIBLE.

There are several ways by which ovulation and fertility window can be determined; such as recording monthly menstrual cycle with a Calendar, charting the monthly cycles of basal body temperature, studying changes in cervical mucus or cervical position. However, the more effective ways to accurately predict ovulation is by use of ovulation tests, otherwise known as ovulation predictor kits, and ovulation monitors. In the meantime, let's look at each of them one after another.


The average length of menstrual cycle is between 28 - 32 days, but this can vary between women and from one cycle to the next in individuals. The length of the menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of the period to the day before before the next period starts. But the likely day of ovulation is usually the length of your cycle minus 17 days.


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So...going by this...if you have a 28-day cycle, your most likely day of ovulation is Day 11. Depending on cycle length, most women ovulate anywhere between Day 11 - Day 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of the last menstrual period. This is the "FERTILE TIME (OR FERTILE WINDOW)" of the woman's cycle, because sexual intercourse during this time increases the chance of pregnancy. Ovulation can occur at various time during a cycle, and may occur on a different day each month.


YOUR basal body temperature is your temperature at rest, when youb first wake up in the morning before you get out of bed and do any physical activity or go to the bathroom. By charting your BBT using a special type of thermometer, you will learn, when or if, you are ovulating.


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Your basal body temperature can be taken with a special type of thermometer, which is able to record the slightest changes in your body. A thermometer that registers from 96.0 to 100 degrees (in-easy-to-read one-tenth degree increment) is ideal. Digital thermometers are available and they do not contain mercury - a safe choice for health conscious mothers. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO FIND THESE BASAL THERMOMETERS IN YOUR LOCAL PHARMACY.

BBT is, however, not a good choice of ovulation indicator to be employed in preconception SEX selection, because it is a lagging indicator (i.e. signaling ovulation only after it has already taken place). For this reason, it is outside the scope of this piece to go beyond this stage to really look into it comprehensively.

And that brings us to the end of this Part 1 of Chapter 4, by which we try to look at various ways to predict ovulation more accurately, a vital condition that must be met for a more positive outcome following applicantion of the Shettles Method.


Lest I forget like I did in chapter 3, find below the links to previous chaptes; i.e. the preliminary (preface), chapter 1, chapter 2 and chapter 3:


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3


Shettles, L. B.; D. M. Rorvik (1996): How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby, 4th Edition. Main Street Books, Jackson Tennessee, USA

Stolkowski, J; J. Lorrain (1980): International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1/2002.

Weschler, T. (2006): Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 10th Edition, Harper Collins Publishers, USA.

Shettles, L. B. (1978): 'Sex Preselection'. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1978 Apr; 51 (4)

Gray, R. H. (1991): 'Natural Fertility Planning and Sex Selection: Facts or Fiction?' American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 165 (6 pt 2).

McSweeney, L. (2002): Love & Life: Billings Method of Natural Family Planning, 9th Edition. Pilgrim Books, Ibadan, Nigeria.

France, J. T.; F. M. GRAHAM, et al. (1984): ' A Perspective Study of The Preselection of Offspring by Timing Intercourse Relative to Ovulation'. Int'l Journal of Fertil. Steril, 41 (6).

Geraedts, J. P. Melissen J. B. M. (2010): 'Female Gender Preselection by Maternal Diet in Combination with Timing of Sexual Intercourse. A Perspective Study. Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine, 21.

France, J. T.; F. M. Graham, et al, (1992): 'Characteristics of Natural Conceptual Cycles Occurring in A Prospective Study of Sex Preselection: Fertility Awareness Symptoms, Hormone levels, Sperm Survival, and Pregnancy Outcome'. Int'l Journal of Fertil. 37 (4).



Thanks for reading.

Stay tuned...

Yours Naija Boy @eurogee

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