Labor Scare

Yesterday was interesting... I started to have signs of labor coming. I'll spare you the gory details. Lol I started freaking out thinking, this is it! Much sooner than I expected. I thought for sure I had another couple weeks at least. I had already scheduled an appointment for the afternoon. The midwife checked for amniotic fluid - negative. So my water had not broken yet. She also checked my cervix to see if I was dialated. I was still less than 1cm. So no baby yet, but my body is definitely gearing up for labor. It could be a couple days or a couple weeks still. We kind of have the feeling it may be only a few days. We went home and packed our hospital bags and diaper bag and put them in the car so they are ready when the time comes. If my water had broken yesterday, I would have been admitted and would not have been able to go home to get our stuff. At least now we are more prepared. The waiting begins.......

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