SandCoin - what`s a magic?

Hello, dear friends!

I think now everyone heard such words as «Bitcoin», «ICO», «tokens» and other strange terms. My son @sxiii told me about. I was so interested.

Obviously, I also could not pass by and decided to study this topic. As you know, the best study is practice, a practice backed by theory! With theory, in general, everything is clear (no). To learn something faster and more productive, we need some kind of stimulus. And what, in our time, is the best motivator? - True, money. Therefore, I decided not to go into the jungle of theory, and immediately begin to practice - to find an interesting project and try to invest in it!

Now the market is literally oversaturated with various kinds of projects, gladly accepting your finances. There are frankly futuristic ideas (found several projects with a space program, literally) and "earthly" projects (not in the sense that they are dull or boring, but in that they are directly related to the earth). 

For example, the first and quite well-known Russian project «Kolionovo». Briefly, its essence boils down to the fact that you invest in chickens, geese and cows. And as dividends, you can choose either discounts on the appropriate farmer's, environmentally friendly (according to the author's assurances) products, or receive "standard", typical for everyone, money.So, to what it's all about - as you can see, there are enough offers and their diversity can satisfy even the most demanding investor with a very good imagination.

I have no problems with imagination, but for the sake of reliability I decided to look for ideas that after a launch would be really interesting to a large number of people, which means they could bring profits to their investors in the long perspective.Surfing the relevant forums (number of which, by the way, is as great as number of mushrooms after rain), I’ve found a promising option.

I present to your attention «SandCoin»! 

Why is it promising and what it really is? Earlier I mentioned how it’s necessary to choose the right project and not to lose your money. And what can be more reliable and more fundamental than the earth? «SandCoin» is the first project of its kind that develops a sand quarry.Again, in search and selection it is very important to pay attention to the team that will work on project’s implementation. The SandCoin team consists of builders, sand specialists, engineers, developers of non-metallic quarries, chemists and managers with extensive experience in their fields. Experienced team, aware of what it does, inspires confidence.

What does «SandCoin» offer us?It is very amusing and, what is important, practical. Buying tokens (investing), we, in fact, acquire into our ownership some sand from the quarry at the rate of 1 token = 1 cubic meter of sand. The price for 1 token varies depending on the stage at which you decided to invest (starting from $ 0.95 at the PRE-ICO stage (very first stage) and ending at $ 1.35 at the ICO stage).

Further, after the project is released to the stock exchange, we either sell our tokens on the exchange at a speculative rate, or wait for its reverse repurchase by the project itself at a price much higher than at the time of investing. Oh yes, about «amusing» and «practical» moment – in fact we get some land. So, after the sale start we can not wait for the repayment of our investments, but simply come to the quarry and, based on the number of purchased tokens, take the appropriate amount of sand! Thus, the project should be interesting not only to "lazy investors", but also to people who start their own construction (including construction companies). 

As you see, this project is very interesting and in my opinion promising. Therefore, for myself, I decided to take a chance and try myself in a new role - the role of the investor! And what will come of it - time will tell.

In conclusion, I would like to give a little instruction. Before making a final decision on investing in this or that ICO, remember - now there are no guarantees of preservation and, especially, of multiplying your funds.

Therefore, choose wisely. Good luck and competent investments, y’all!


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