Power of Prayer

There is an incident from the bible that depicts the power of prayer.
It is about a lady named Hanna in 1 Samuel Book. The scriptures tells us as follows.

There was a man called Elkanah who had two wives one called Hanna and other Peninnah. Hanna had no children and Peninnah had children. In those days people had a custom of making sacrifices to the lord once in a year along with family. Wherever they are the people would travel to the lord’s place to give the offerings and sacrifices and to thank the lord. Elkanah in his days also makes sacrifices to the lord in Shiloh every year and once the offering and worship was over he used to give the blessed offering shares to both his wife’s and children. Peninnah and her children gets their share and Hanna on the other hand gets a more worthy portion since her husband loved her more.

Every year Hanna was provoked by her adversary and she weeps and returns up without eating and drinking. This continued for years. During one such year they left for Shiloh to offer their yearly sacrifices to the Lord and as usual gave the shares of the blessed portions of their offerings that belonged to his two wife’s and children. This time Hanna was provoked by Peninnah and Hanna was so distressed in her heart and never felt like eating and drinking, she only cried and cried thinking about her affliction and her barrenness. Her husband consoled her and compelled her to eat.

With the bitterness filled in her soul Hannah returned to the lord, prayed and wept sore. She prayed to the lord and pleaded the lord to look upon her afflictions and begged the lord for a child and vowed if the lord blessed with a child she will return the child back to the lord. She continued praying to the lord for a long time, as time passed by the priest Eli saw the lady sitting for a long time static but only with her lips moving. Hanna spoke to the lord in her heart and only her lips moved and voice unheard, Eli the priest assumed she was drunk. The priest could not see her like this. He intended to turn her out from temple and so started to advise her asking her how long will you be drunk and why don’t you put away the wine.

Hanna responded with pain in her heart, soul and sore in her eyes, no my lord, I am a women of a sorrowful spirit, I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the lord. The priest told her not to worry and go in peace and added the lord of Israel will grant your petition.

Hanna’s experience is what many people feel when we are depressed, we neither know what we talk nor know what we do. When Hanna cried because of her affliction, she cried unto the lord praying for a child. She cried from her heart pouring her soul unto the lord’s feet. Hanna felt better after some time in her heart and left the place and had an inner feel and faith the lord will grant her what she wished in her heart. Days went on and one day she found her prayers were answered and she had a son whom she named Samuel, the Prophet.

This incident points us many important and indirect teachings. Whenever we are afflicted and oppressed the people around us always tend to hurt us and trouble, but the lord almighty always has ears to listen to our prayers especially when you are afflicted by others. The lord grants our wish when we ask and pray from the bottom of the heart.
That is what the bible says the Lord who created the eyes would he not see, the lord who created the ears for us would he not listen.

When you cry in the feet of the lord he immediately makes us feel lot better than what we expect. The bible says the lord is the only source who can give peace to you, he gives the peace that no person or object in this universe can give to a person. The lord gives not only unnatural and indescribable peace but also gives all that jazz required to strengthen you. That is, in case your distress makes you feel week, he gives you confidence and makes you fearless. He knows what you lack and what you need, by one way or another the Lord grants all you need. This peace not only stays for a short time but it’s for everlasting.

The Lord almighty dislikes people crying and the magician wipes away all our sorrows when we pour our torments to him instantly. He gives us the strength and power along with the wish we make. The lord is an unconditional loving lord, he never stays serene when we are in worries. He acts immediately to get what his children needs. Only when we experience we can understand the Lords love crystal clear. The immediate answers for our prayers are given to our heart instantly through any means which makes us feel confident and the rest of the worldly and physical happenings occur later. All we have to do is believe and have faith in the lord.

Every person in this universe know that any happiness or pleasure can be best understood when they self-experiences it, no matter whatever others tell or explain. Only a person who eats a candy can feel how sweet or how it tastes, but seeing or listening to others words cannot bring the same sensory mouth feel. Similarly whatever we say or write the lord’s love should be self- tested and tasted. The message that is spread around the world is to give a simple reminders to the people about the lord and the lords love, which we forget due to the various issues and the mechanical life or either we are not much aware of the lord or just not interested unless we are in trouble.

The stories and the incidents in the bible all provides confidence and tells us indirectly that there are many similar situations that people around the world are experiencing and also explains clearly how the problems were solved and the same lord is ready to give us the same solutions with his love.

In the Hanna’s story the lord granted what her heart wished and gave her a son. Years after Hannah’s son became a great prophet. Which indirectly instils us incase in your life you are awaiting for a long time for something, or if things in your life are getting unreasonably delayed dredge up the delayed ones are blessed and more special than what you expect. This is the law given by the lord or can be told in other words it is the universal law.
The Bible Says “He that Planted the ea, shall He not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not See?” – Psalms-94-9

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