Hello March, Byebye February


I welcome you to the third month of the year 2018 – “MARCH”. It is a month of divine perfection, and I pray that God will perfect that which concerns you in Jesus name. Remember, as you are moving toward your set goals, there are distractions and hindrances along the way caused either by self or from external sources. All you have to do to keep moving forward is to be focused, be disciplined and walk in the Spirit so as not to fulfil the desires of the flesh. When the people of Israel were on their way to the promised land, there was a time they were faced with the red sea and the hosts of Pharaoh behind them, God told them “The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent; then the LORD said to Moses, Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward”. Exod 14:14-15.
Today we are going to pray for all hindrances in our way this month to be remove;, but if you are not yet on the Lord’s side then you might need to pray this prayer in the link below before you start praying the prayer points

Prayer Points

  1. I praise and thank Him for helping me this far this year. Psalm 103:1-3
  2. I plead the blood of Jesus upon whatever the devil is holding onto as legal ground to keep me bound/to keep me moving around in a circle Rev. 12:11
  3. Almighty God, subdue every satanic/demonic power sitting at my gate of breakthrough and testimonies. Isa 45:1
  4. Almighty God, I commit this month into your hand; go before me and make every crooked place straight, break in pieces the gates of brass and cut in sunder the bars of iron. Isa 45:2
  5. Almighty God, give me the hidden riches of secret places. Isa 45:3
  6. In the name of Jesus, I command every red sea/hindrance/distractions to give way for me to move forward. Exod. 14:14-15
  7. Almighty God, this month, please perfect that which concerns me, let me fulfil purpose and destiny; my vision will not die in Jesus name. Psalm 138:8
  8. I command every gate militating against my progress, prosperity, promotion, favour, healing, breakthrough, advancement, peace and testimonies in life to lift up your heads in Jesus name. Psalm 24:9
  9. I command every ancient door locking me out of my inheritance to open in the name of Jesus. Psalm 24:10
  10. Thank you in advance for answering my prayers. Matt 7:7
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