Young Sheldon- A Review from a 17-year-old girl


Young Sheldon started airing on CBS last year, but my family and I have started watching it since yesterday. Actually, we recently made an account on Amazon Prime Video, and it has so many movies and TV shows to watch. Mostly we watch hindi movies because my family doesn't go to the cinema to movies much. Therefore, Amazon Prime Video is a good way to keep up up with new movies.

My whole life, no matter where we lived in the world, my parents mostly stuck to watching Indian dramas. However, recently they have started to show interest in our shows (or sometimes we just force them to watch it by putting it on the TV). My mom watched 4 seasons of The Arrow and even a season of Flash with my brother and I last year. My dad on the other hand would only a watch a few episodes here and there.

This show really changed everything because all of us are interested in it. It is a great family show that all of us enjoy and have practically gotten addicted to because we just started watching last night and we're almost through the first season. The characters they show seem so real and relatable (I am definitely Missy) and there is great humor that runs throughout the whole show. Seeing things through the peculiar mind of Sheldon makes us look at things in a new light and makes it hilarious.

In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper was shown as an adult, with his personality, likes and dislikes and goals in life established. However, in Young Sheldon, he is a genius nine-year-old kid and still finding his way. We see him form the basic opinions in life that largely mold his personality later in life. The best part of this show is that it's not only about Sheldon, but his family too. Having a child like Sheldon in your family cannot be easy, but it is wonderful to see how his family adjusts to his quirks.

In each episode, something new happens, and it's great to see how each episode reveals a little more about Sheldon, about his family and about the world they live in. Their life is definitely not perfect, but they are happy. Overall, it's a great show to sit down and watch with your family; the episodes are only 22 minutes long, so they don't drag out too long. The story line of each new episode is intriguing and there are many moments that will make you laugh out loud (their one-liners are amazing)!

Check out the trailer of the show below!

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