Crypto world is considered safe haven against geopolitical risk : US missile attack on Syria is case proving this

Trump announced through his famous tweet that strike are coming on 3:57 AM of 11 April 2018:

And next day on 12 April 2017 same time He created a bit of confusion about timing of the strike:

And this is his tweet wherein he announced attacks decision. Public announcement was made almost 14 hrs later the strike happened.

US missile strike happened at 2 am UTC but crypto world started going up apprx 10-12 hrs before that. Looking at timelines and secrecy required to carry out such operation - it is possible that actual decision was actually taken when he sent out a tweet to confuse everybody. And that is when crypto market started going up.

That means someone had the concrete info that US is certainly going to strike soon. And they also knew that crypto world will react positively to the news.

And BTW Stock market still have to react as news broke late for it.

It can be concluded that crypto assets could be safe bet against geopolitical risks.

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