Clean India #237


My Vision

To actively promote and support Clean India Movement Started by SHRI NARENDRA MODI, PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA .

We want common people to identify dirty areas and just post here. We will make an app, named CleanIndia, on steemit blockchain that will present summary of posted contents so that Authorities can identify dirty areas and monitor progress of their efforts to keep cleanliness in their jurisdictions. Authorities can have their own accounts on steemit to reward active contributors or can hire our services through CleanIndia app to do the same and other related services. Simple.

Near Term Plan

Take a photo that shows unclean environment
Tittle the post as ""Clean India # number "
Tag it to "cleanindia nameofcity nameofstate prameshtyagi"
and post
I will upvote you if you add me as tag as well as my account reference @prameshtyagi.

This way we will help develop a reward system to identify the unclean areas. These posts will provide input data for building and testing of CleanIndia app. Don't be indifferent. Let us do it.

Long Term Plan

We will issue CIT (Clean India Token) as soon as SMTs are made possible on Steemit blockchain. And funds raised from presale/sale of CIT tokens will be utilized to develop the CleanIndia app referred in my vision above. You will be airdropped 1 CIT per post for participating in the campaign as per instructions given above till CIT is issued and that will be on top of Steem rewards that u get now from my upvote. Post issue of CIT the rewards will be driven by the economy of CITs.

Pls join this campaign and do send in suggestions for making it a success.

Link to Swatch Bharat Mission :-

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