Family zone


Recent episode of Zaria Wasim on board has given rise to many discussions on social forums and in media

Some of my male colleagues are now feeling unsure and little worried about their travel on airlines - rightfully since in the crazy running around if one gets dozed off on board and unknowingly unintentionally there is any hand or leg movement which offends a female Co-traveller, male needs to go to a custody under charges one would never want to have in life.

Appeal to all airlines -

Please think of dedicating rows for following categories :

  1. Exclusive female zone ( for solo travellers)
  2. Exclusive male zone (for solo male travellers)
    3 family zone
    4 open zone

This could potentially eliminate all such incidences or perception of such incidences and people can travel with a free mind. (Needless to say airlines might capitalise with some nominal differential costs for such zones )

And not too sure if I could suggest but so called celebrities can pay extra and opt for isolated seats so they are in the safest zone - touch me not zone

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