The Uber Complete Blossoomer Family

This piece of Blossoomer and Blossoomer next-gen fan art is dedicated to AAMLchu, jojo-kun, AmberPone, discoverppgz, Namine-Kitten, AmusedDoodler, Blossom200, BlondeCecile, AitchhDee, EyeOfSol, Jdueler11, NovaKaru, Annabelletheinkling, Hagalazka, Thiago082, JACKSPICERCHASE, Ninilene, DreamsCanComeTrue67, ANPCreations, Sasokami-Sayuri, RobotCatArt, Azzuly, SanneAckerman, ShizukaNaHana, Lovely-sweetness, VLSN, Dinnartz, canineart2018, monstermaster13, DeathNoteMaker, 09tuf, Suyohara, Babylover2012, SahyrMangaka, DanOblong, and BestieBosya who celebrated their birthdays more than three weeks ago.

So, I hope you all had such magnificent birthdays and I wish you a lot of love and joy in your lives as artists and as people.

Wie man auf deutsch sagt, ich hoffe ihr hattet wunderbare Geburtstage und ich wünsche euch viel Liebe und Freude in euren Leben als Künstler und als Menschen.

Como se dice en español, espero que hayaís tenido cumpleaños magnificos y os deseo mucho amor y alegría en vuestras vidas como artistas y como personas.

This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful Blossoomer shippers of the world. Sit back, relax, and soak in that Blossoomer purity and genuineness radiating in their family.

Here we have 30-year-old Boomer's and 27 going on 28-year-old Blossom's wonderfully huge, well-established family complete with a total of twenty-four children and the parents are right in the center within the second row.

On the first row are the 12-year-old first-born sextuplets Boniface Michael Green, Bellerophon Matthew Green, Benedetta Emma Green, Bellissa Daniella Green, Bronwen Georgina Green, and Bellance Philomena Green.

On the second row are the 11-year-old second-born sextuplets Basil Ferdinand Green, Bramley Frederick Green, Bartholomew Damien Green, Brenton Demetrius Green, Blanchefleur Francoise Green, and Blandine Fabienne Green with, as mentioned before, 30-year-old Boomer Green and his eternally beloved wife 27 going on 28-year-old Blossom Utonium-Green in the center.

On the third row are the 10-year-old twins Bernadette Azalea Green and Barrett Ludovic Green and the 9-year-old quadruplet sons Byron Andrew Green, Bertram Webster Green, Brendan James Green, and Blake Francis Green.

On the fourth and final row are 8-year-old twins Bradley Oliver Green and Belle Marguerite Green, 7-year-old twin daughters Brenda Katelyn Green and Belinda Kiara Green, and the youngest twin daughters Barbara Abigail Green and Bijou Chantal Green.

You will notice that there are some redesigns with some of the children, especially Barrett, Brendan, and Blake, in order to make them fully look like Boomer's and Blossom's children. With that said, here are some things to know about Boomer's and Blossom's offspring.

The eldest sextuplets Boniface, Bellerophon, Benedetta, Bellissa, Bronwen, and Bellance were born on June 17, 2008 and are about to enter the 7th grade this coming September.

Boniface is a super strong, super speedy lightning manipulator who is as fast as a cheetah and strong as an elephant and who loves neurology, chemistry, biology, physics, barometry, and meteorology, thus being quite the science boffin in school and at home and aspires to be a chemist for every research center in Townsville and the world.

Bellerophon is also an athletic, strong, and courageous lightning manipulator who has a deep and meaningful relationship with trigonometry, algebra, geometry, vectors, square roots, cube roots, all things mathematical, and even, based on his namesake, Greek myths, thus aspiring to be a mathematician and a historian when he grows up.

Benedetta is the intellectual ice princess known for her prodigious use of her ice breath and ice powers in general as well as her fascination of authors such as Foucault, Keats, Milton, Kafka, Adorno, Virginia Woolf, Edgar Allan Poe, and Saussure with her aspirations set on becoming a writer, critic, and journalist.

Bellissa is a classy ice princess who is just as much of an ice user as Benedetta and she loves high fashion, haute couture, fabrics such as silk, chiffon, velvet, and satin, and colors such as pink, salmon, mauve, magenta, crimson, and vermillion, as she aspires to be a fashion designer, work for runways all over the world, and write for Seventeen and Harper's Bazaar.

Bronwen is the best of both worlds when it comes to combining lightning and ice as one, especially when it comes to forming a lightning ball encased in ice, and really enjoys track and field, gymnastics, circuit training, rollerblading, and even fashion, considering how she wants to be a model for sports magazines and the occasional haute couture scene.

Bellance is also a lightning and ice manipulator, given how she uses these elements as a means of self-defense and for creating art, and loves dancing, singing, and literature, thus aspiring to be a Broadway actress and singer, a screenwriter, and a playwright.

The second eldest sextuplets Basil, Bramley, Bartholomew, Brenton, Blanchefleur, and Blandine were born on June 18, 2009 and are about to enter the 6th grade this coming September.

Basil is a gifted lightning user while combining his lightning powers with ice and is a musical prodigy specializing in classical singing and violin singing in the Townsville Opera's Children's Chorus, thus aspiring to sing in the Townsville Opera House as a star tenor while touring the world's opera houses.

Bramley is a gifted ice user while combining his ice powers with lightning and is also a musical prodigy not only specializing in classical singing but also oboe also singing in the Townsville Opera's Children's Chorus, thus aspiring to also sing in the Townsville Opera House as a star tenor alongside his beloved brother Basil and even tour the world as Townsville's finest opera tenors.

Bartholomew is a warrior bard of lightning capable of shooting lightning bolts from his hands while being absolutely immersed in classic literature ranging from Shakespeare to Williams with the intent of wanting to become a writer for period dramas.

Brenton is a warrior bard of ice who can form various paraphernalia out of this element while also being immersed in the literary minds of Ernest Hemingway, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Jane Austen, and George Orwell with the intent to be involved in literary criticism.

Blanchefleur is a classy ice queen who is a Francophile with a knack for dancing ballet, interpretive dance, Charleston, and tap and for singing chansons from the great chansonnieres such as Edith Piaf and Charles Aznavour, thus expressing a dream to do cabaret, dance in French ballet companies, and perform chansons in clubs all over Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, and many other French-speaking cities.

Blandine is a poised ice queen who is also a Francophile with a knack for fashion, style, fine art, ballet, opera, and singing art songs with a desire to design costumes for the world's many opera houses, dance in the French ballet companies, and even perform chansons alongside her darling sister Blanchefleur in all of the French-speaking cities.

The twins Bernadette and Barrett were born on June 19, 2010 and are about to enter the 5th grade this coming September.

Bernadette is a stylish ice diva who can blow her enemies away thanks to her ice powers while looking absolutely fabulous doing so, thus expressing a staunch desire to be involved in the fashion industry specializing in winter wear.

Barrett is as much of a stylish ice divo as his twin sister, thus using his powers to incapacitate his foes and also expressing a desire to be in the fashion industry designing winter wear and scrutinizing which piece of fabric works on the hopefully finished product.

The quadruplets Byron, Bertram, Brendan, and Blake were born on June 20, 2011 and are about to enter the 4th grade this coming September.

Byron is the athletic lightning and ice manipulator who enjoys track and field, Kung Fu, karate, and Tai Chi and expresses a desire to represent Townsville running marathons not only throughout the state but also the world.

Bertram is the jovial lightning and ice warrior who loves surfing, snowboarding, skiing, and track and field and expresses a strong passion to be a professional snowboarder and marathon runner.

Brendan is the fun-loving lightning and ice manipulator who delights in swimming, marathon running, baseball, cricket, and golf and would love to professionally partake in cricket and golf.

Blake is the sharp-witted and poised lightning and ice manipulator who enjoys yoga, baseball, softball, cricket, diving, and swimming and longs to be a professional baseball player.

The twins Bradley and Belle were born on June 21, 2012 and are about to enter the third grade this coming September.

Bradley is the cultured young maverick of fashion, style, music, and art who is also a prodigious ice manipulator and aims to be a columnist for Townsville's cultural magazines.

Belle is the stylish and poised young darling who has a huge passion for fashion, culture, art, music, and theater and aims to be involved as a columnist for Townsville's cultural, fashion, and music magazines.

The younger twins Brenda and Belinda were born on May 23, 2013 and are about to enter the second grade this coming September.

Brenda is the prodigious young ice manipulator who revels in literature, the arts, the sciences, and culture and aspires to be a schoolteacher.

Belinda is the composed young ice manipulator who indulges herself in biology, chemistry, world literature, and world culture and aspires to be a schoolteacher and a researcher in laboratories.

The youngest twins Barbara and Bijou were born on May 24, 2014 and are about to enter the first grade this coming September.

Barbara is the composed young ice and lightning princess who enjoys cooking, baking, and preparing world cuisine and aspires to be a cook and a food writer.

Bijou is the enthusiastic and cheery young ice and lightning princess who loves baking, cooking, and preparing French and Italian cuisine as well as traveling to Europe and aspires to be a food writer, a cook, and a television personality.

Together, Boomer's and Blossom's children all express a desire to pursue cultural, scientific, and artistic goals and careers and they have even found themselves as members of the Townsville Opera Children's Chorus performing in Bizet's Carmen, Puccini's Turandot, Tosca, and Madama Butterfly, Strauss's Der Rosenkavalier, Massenet's Werther, Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker, and Offenbach's Les Contes d'Hoffmann.

I hope you all reveled in witnessing Boomer's and Blossom's intellectual, cultured, and classy family and I will see you in the next submission. Take care and stay safe, everybody.

Boomer and Blossom from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken.

Boniface, Bellerophon, Benedetta, Bellissa, Bronwen, Bellance, Basil, Bramley, Bartholomew, Brenton, Blanchefleur, Blandine, Bernadette, Barrett, Byron, Bertram, Brendan, Blake, Bradley, Belle, Brenda, Belinda, Barbara, and Bijou belong to me.

Bradley and Belinda also belong to Misse-the-cat.

Bernadette and Barbara also belong to CottonCandyGrl1969.

The Uber Complete Blossoomer Family.jpg

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