The Eldest Brickercup Sextuplets' Springtime Walk

This piece of Brickercup and Brickercup next-gen fan art, which is part of xSugarInferno's and the WeLovePPG group's Spring contest for the month of May, is dedicated to SweetlyNight, Bobsheaux, BoomerStar03, Kayalovesu, SanneAdeen, CrystalLineD, Eliza-Faust, BreakingSasuke, anqelics, Impmon282, Mioukki, Stevlong, BreBreIsCrayCray, Sweatshirtmaster, nena-linda-pink, Aranel125, Eus-mylus, teacupballerina, Lavanssi, Mdwyer5, and Creativegirl64 who celebrated their birthdays ranging from a few days ago all the way up to today.

So, I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, prosperity, abundance, and beauty on your very special days and in your lives as artists and as people.

This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful Brickercup shippers of the world. So, sit back, relax, soak in that Brickercup resilience, and revel in Brick's and Buttercup's joy of having their first set of offspring brought into the world and into the City of Townsville.

The City of Townsville. May 22, 2009, one year and one week after Brick and Buttercup were happily married. We find 18-year-old Brick, his most amazing 16-year-old wife Buttercup, and their eleven-month-old first-born sextuplets, from left to right, Barry Jeffrey Green, Boone Wolfram Green, Bette Daria Green, Blakeley Lyndsey Green, Brunhilda Morag Green, and Bryony Cheryl Green enjoying a serene springtime walk in the cherry blossom tree-strewn park in full bloom. With Brick approaching 19 in barely two months and starting college and Buttercup approaching 17 in barely four months and starting the eleventh grade, they have become a formidable pair of young parents who saw balancing parenthood, school, and their relationship with everything they got and with open arms, thus accepting every single challenge that came their way. Moreover, as one can tell, Buttercup was pregnant yet again with a second set of sextuplets.

Barry, Boone, Bette, Blakeley, Brunhilda, and Bryony came into the world on June 20, 2008 when Brick was 17 years old and Buttercup was 15 years old. It was said that these first set of sextuplets were loud, excitable, rambunctious babies when they emerged kicking, screaming, and shouting really loudly from their mother's womb to the point where the midwives had to wear ear-muffs to protect themselves from the loud screaming and crying. Nevertheless, these tough, rambunctious, determined young parents were blessed to have a new generation of toughies in their lives they can call their own flesh and blood. Barry and Boone were the splitting image of Brick to the point where wearing his old caps made them look like him when he was a baby, Bette and Blakeley were the splitting image of Buttercup even to the point where they looked like her when she was a baby, and Brunhilda and Bryony were the best of both worlds with the former being close to her father and the latter being close to her mother. As one can already tell, these six rambunctious cherubs were demonstrating their first sparks of strength, power, and being loud, earth-shattering screamers just like their parents used to be when they were children.

Barry Jeffrey Green is the large-and-in-charge overall eldest of the sextuplets, as he enjoys using his pyrokinetic abilities with joy and passion. During his infancy, he demonstrated his power of blowing fire from his mouth when he and his father were cooking something for the team and his cousins. Aside from his amazing fire skills, he also proved himself to be very strong by bench-pressing his crib and quite a loud baby when he yelled at his parents to get out of bed to feed him breakfast.

Boone Wolfram Green is just as large-and-in-charge as Barry, as he matches him in strength, resilience, toughness, and pyrokinetic abilities. As a baby, he used to shoot fireballs from his tiny hands when he saw a businessman being mugged. It was at that moment that Brick and Buttercup were proud of their little boy. He even proved himself to be just as loud as his brother, considering the many times they would yell at their parents to get up to feed them their first meal of the day.

Bette Daria Green is a rambunctious firebrand who loves to give baddies a knuckle sandwich and hang out with the boys be they her brothers or her male cousins. She is even a geomancer who takes pleasure in lifting the earth underneath her and use it as a weapon. Moreover, when she was a baby, she demonstrated her super strength by lifting her parents' bed with one hand, which both Brick and Buttercup found to be phenomenal.

Blakeley Lyndsey Green is a feisty, mischievous, outspoken young lady who is unafraid to speak her mind when something goes up. She does not take crap from anybody and is not easily fooled. One experience that happened was when she came face-to-face with a shady hustler trying to con her parents into buying the "latest fitness gear", which Blakeley responded by shooting laser beams from her eyes at the conman and making him run away. For someone so small, she was surprisingly perceptive and tough-minded.

Brunhilda Morag Green is a determined spark of fire who never backs down from any fight whatsoever. This especially came to be when she was play-wrestling with her giant teddy bear as her sparring partner and unleashing a whole lot of wrestling moves, given how much Brick and Buttercup were also WWE fans growing up. Plus, given her first name, she was named after one of the Valkyries, which was very fitting for this aspiring combatant.

Bryony Cheryl Green is a fierce darling who loves using fire and earth as main weapons, given how she would unleash her signature meteor and asteroid blasts against her enemies. As a baby, she proved herself to be extremely capable of hand-to-hand combat, as she unleashed a barrage of punches on the punching bag. This moment made Brick and Buttercup reminisce of how she would give him a barrage of gut punches during their sparring session as children, and they knew fully well that Bryony would grow up to be a fine boxer and meteor user.

For a large-and-in-charge young dad like Brick and a tough young mom like Buttercup, their first-born sextuplets Barry, Boone, Bette, Blakeley, Brunhilda, and Bryony were all great blessings in their lives. The abundance they bore was also reflected in the fact that Buttercup was pregnant with a second set of sextuplets, thus making their strong family grow in fantastic size.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care and stay safe, everybody.

Brick and Buttercup from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

Barry, Boone, Bette, Blakeley, Brunhilda, and Bryony belong to me.

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