The Complete Bunnitch Family drawn by me

This piece of Bunnitch family fan art, which is part of a long overdue art trade I have accomplished with one of my most wonderful friends and fellow artists KatyGorl, is dedicated WhompyWhomperson, xeternalflamebryx, DarkBane95, SouthJerseySam, ITBluebeadTI, transformers3roxCB, Toonman1508, XXTHELADYINTHEHOODXX, xmysticaldreamsx, MoofCookie, girlpower249, Naragon, maylen249, Puffjaved02, Kimmy-Tsunami, Catherine-Cathy, superkeegan9100, Studio-Methuselah, RailToonBronyFan3751, cmara, softbeeannie, Chopfe, tailfluffgirl, doragonnomizu, eyugho, NagisaSenpai128, ToPpeRa-TPR, Averylilith, HoshisamaValmor, AwesomeAddison, Mama-Monstrosity, W3st3rnM0n3T, jajuruns90rebels, YndaAB, Paula4679fangirl, GRIMREAPURR, COMICGIRL1155, SamiBubblesPPG, Stormy-Gurl, thisCCchik, I-see-no-Bottle, Juliahtf, Tri-85, Die-Valquiria, Wordgirlserenity67, amantepokemon, and okanakao who have celebrated their birthdays ranging from several weeks ago to today.

So, I hope you all had such magnificent birthdays and I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, prosperity, abundance, and beauty in your lives as artists and as people.

Wie man auf deutsch sagt, ich hoffe ihr alle hattet wunderbaren Geburtstage und ich wünsche euch viel Liebe, Freude, Glück, Wohlstand, Reichtum und Schönheit in euren Leben als Künstler und als Menschen.

Como se dice en español, espero que hayaís tenido cumpleaños maravillosos y os deseo mucho amor, alegría, felicidad, prosperidad, abundancia y belleza en vuestras vidas como artistas y como personas.

Here we have 29-year-old Mitch Mitchelson, his 26-year-old wife Bunny Utonium-Mitchelson, and their twelve fun-loving, cheeky yet adorable offspring.

On the top are the two sets of triplets 8-year-old sons Benjamin "Benji", Jackson "Jax", and Mason "Mace" and 7-year-olds Patrick, Quentin, and Ramona.

On Mitch's side, we have 6-year-old Ryan, 5-year-old Pauline, and 4-year-old Nicole.

Finally, on Bunny's side, we have 3-year-old Noelle, 2-year-old Noreen, and 1-year-old Nina.

We have been acquainted with Ryan and Pauline before. Now, let us get acquainted with the other children.

Benjamin Jonathan, Jackson Jeremiah, and Mason Jordan Mitchelson are a trio of incredibly strong, courageous, and fierce lads who were born on September 2, 2011.

Being the designated eldest of the triplets and being a proud Rowdyruff, Benji is unafraid to let his authority be known among his siblings yet cares for every single one of them deep down. Moreover, Benji always aspires to be a great hero just like his uncles, his aunts, and his mother, as he always makes sure he does the right thing and sets a great example for his siblings. His powers include super strength, super speed, and a whole lot of endurance that keeps him on the go making him practically indestructible and making him absolutely bulletproof.

Jackson or Jax is the more rough-and-tumble of the triplet sons. While he likes to play pranks and be a smart aleck, he is naturally kind, well-meaning, and generous. Jax is also a huge martial arts and wrestling fan and would always have friendly scuffles with Benji. Speaking of martial arts, Jax is also a proficient combatant who always loves to give bad guys a good butt-whooping and is a black belt in judo, karate, Tae Kwon Do, jeet kune do, jujitsu, and battoujutsu.

Mason or Mace is the athlete of the trio. He has a whole lot of enthusiasm and vivacity in his system to the point where his personality is so infectious. In fact, his well-meaning nature keeps this strong set of triplet sons' bond alive and well. Mason loves football, dodgeball, soccer, baseball, basketball, and hockey. Given his athleticism, Mace is also the speediest of the trio, as he can outrun any cheetah out there.

Patrick Carlton, Quentin Gideon, and Ramona Quinn Mitchelson are a trio of rambunctious, fun-loving souls who love a good competition and were born on August 25, 2012.

Patrick also takes pride in being a Rowdyruff Boy, as he gets to use his powers to beat up monsters or engage in his most favorite activity ever, which is sparring with Benji, Jax, and Mace in wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, karate, judo, and Muay Thai. In spite of his rough and competitive attitude, he is still someone who is very supportive and lends a helping hand to anyone in need. Patrick could even use his strong emotions of anger and rage to turn into a hulk-like creature, much like his mother, to give every villain a well-deserved taste of justice.

Quentin is just as competitive as Patrick but he combines it with being determined, resilient, tough yet quite stubborn. Sometimes his short fuse, stubbornness, and recklessness can lead him into getting to trouble, even when he picks fights with his siblings or his cousins. Regardless of that, he tries to make sure that he does not intend to hurt any of his siblings and/or cousins lest he gets into trouble with his parents, his uncles, his aunties or his grandparents. With such strong emotions, Quentin also has the booming voice to boot, as he could use that as an attack to incapacitate all of his enemies. Ergo, one scream from Quentin will easily leave his enemies deaf and petrified on their tracks.

Ramona is the tomboy of not only the second-born triplets but also the entire family. Given that she is the only girl of the second-born triplets, she would rather hang out with the boys and playfully mess with Ryan than engage in traditionally girly things with her younger sisters. Given that Bunny is a literature fan, she named her after one of her most favorite literary characters, Ramona Quimby, as Beverly Cleary is also one of her most favorite authors ever. Ramona, much like her book counterpart, is extremely inquisitive, has a fascination of the world around her, and is quite rambunctious. On top of that, Ramona is an accomplished track star, gymnast, karateka, and judoka.

Nicole Faith Mitchelson was born on September 22, 2015 and is a bundle of joy, energy, and enthusiasm. She is the light of her family, as she brings joy, happiness, and optimism. Nicole's powers include super speed and her signature thunderclap, which can blow all of her enemies away.

Noelle Charity Mitchelson was born on September 26, 2016 and is a spunky, sassy, and sunny young lass. She always loves to keep active and her sunny disposition perfectly reflects on everything she does. One best be careful though because one insult could make her grow into her hulk form and make her give that felon a beating he or she will never forget.

Noreen Hope Mitchelson was born on September 28, 2017 and is a jolly ray of sunshine. Her laughs are infectious, as they resemble that of her father's, and she has the ability to mimic different sounds with such precision.

Nina Jane Mitchelson was born on July 22, 2018 and is a fun-loving cherub. She just loves to bask in the company of her siblings and she would love to be as tough, strong, and heroic as Benji, Jax, and Mace and as rambunctious and enthusiastic as Patrick, Quentin, and Ramona.

I hope you all enjoyed a look into the complete Bunnitch family and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, everybody.

Mitch and Bunny from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

Benji, Jax, and Mason belong to KatyGorl.

Patrick, Quentin, Ramona, Ryan, Pauline, Noreen, and Nina belong to me.

Nicole and Noelle belong to Misse-the-cat.

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