The Bachelors and OTPs of Townsville

Credit goes to the amazing Ariel aka PurfectPrincessGirl for this particular Rowdyruff Boys, Powerpuff Girls, and Townsville Characters Shipping Meme. Moreover, this is also one of my contributions to this year's Red Ribbon Reviewers Month.

We now come to the big shipping meme. Now, since this is still the holiday season and with 2020 coming along, I thought it would be great if I told and showed you my most beloved OTPs of Townsville as well as the characters I feel are much happier being bachelors and bachelorettes. I am not going to include any loved, liked or meh pairings, BroTPs, and especially NOTPs because I want to keep this as positively euphoric and full of great vibes as much as possible, thus ensuring that no indifferent feelings, no ill will, and no negativity will end up encroaching the entirety of this post. Moreover, I want to also keep this meme as organized and clean as possible.

Without further ado, let us get cracking.

The Bachelors and Bachelorettes

Femme Fatale
Knowing this firebrand of a straw feminist, I highly doubt she could ever think of having a man let alone be in a relationship of any sort in her life. The best thing to come out from her is ending up as a bachelorette for life and that is final.

Mask Scara
To say this woman is eccentric is a mere understatement. Mask Scara is totally bonkers in terms of her psyche. It will be impossible for her to be in a relationship. However, at least in my headcanon, she can be able to tap into her protégés strengths in visual arts and make-up as a mentor.

The Talking Dog
It may be just the headcanon side of me talking but I see him functioning as a caring yet firm legal guardian to the Fluffy Bunch consisting of Fluffy Kitty, Puppy Wuppy, and Cuddly Bunny to straighten them out with a lot of tough love. Ergo, he functions as the Scrooge McDuck to their Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

Roach Coach
He may be unlucky in love and getting a date but at least he is passionate about caring for his beloved cockroaches.

Mojo Jojo
He would be the type of hammy, super-intelligent super villain, who would be more than happy to be single and mingle with his prized experiments.

Lenny Baxter
Let him keep his virginity and call it a day, please.

I cannot really see him in a stable relationship at all. At least he can enjoy messing up people's minds by his own volition without anyone helping him.

He may be charming in his own way but he probably may not last a day in a few dates let alone a relationship.

Fuzzy Lumpkins
I am going to go out on a limb and say that he would be more than pleased to have his prized possessions by his side and not end up in a relationship. Ergo, he would be more than happy to end up as a bachelor who loves playing on his banjo and using his shotgun to get himself some grub.

Professor Dick Hardly
Keep this monster away from anyone because this dude is absolutely deplorable and selfish. In the meantime, HIM is going to have quite a fun time torturing this poor excuse of a professor.

The Boogie Man
I see him more as a swanky, smooth-talking Casanova who enjoys his life as a playboy and party man, who will not settle for anyone any time soon.

Lil' Arturo
He may have that unique Latino charm but it is going to be tough for him to choose a life partner.

The Amoeba Boys
Just let them enjoy their single lives for good and for all.

The Crossover OTPs

Big Billy x Frankie (BillFran)
I know it is extremely odd, but Big Billy truly needs someone who can be able to understand, empathize, and show him a lot of unconditional love. That is where Frankie Foster comes in and gives him that love in spades. Moreover, this pairing is really adorable.

Omi x Julie Smith (OmiJul)
They are a couple of lovable cuties who can do a lot of good for each other. Omi could be able to impress Julie with his fine moves and enthusiasm while Julie can be able to give Omi the respect, allegiance, and loyalty he deserves.

Jack Spicer x Princess Morbucks (Prinack)
Out of all my crossover OTPs involving Xiaolin Showdown, The Rowdyruff Boys, and The Powerpuff Girls, this is my absolute favorite. I seriously have to credit PrincessCallyie for getting me completely hooked to this couple. Combining Jack's amusing brand of chivalry with Princess's flashy brashness is an absolutely genius idea. I am indubitably proud to be a hardcore Prinack shipper.

The Villainous OTPs

Major Man x Sedusa (Majordusa)
These two con-artists are perfect for each other. A fake superhero who uses his muscles of steel and handsome good looks to get more attention and a super villainess who uses disguises, manipulation, and her lethal hair as weapons make this couple all the more worthy of my undying support. Let us also not forget the nights of heightened sexual pleasure they will have. It would be enough to start a volcanic eruption.

Ace x Berserk (Aceserk)
Ace's smooth-talking, cool, collected nature would be a great compliment to Berserk's fierceness, fiery personality, and independence.

Snake x Brat (SnakeBrat)
Snake would definitely be a fine gentleman to Brat, as he would be able to prove himself to be surprisingly chivalrous to this mischievous minx of a Powerpunk Girl.

Bud Smith x Brute (BudBrute)
Ah, Bud the misanthropist and Brute the violent firebrand. They seem to be a sort of ice and fire couple, with Bud's coldness, hate of the world around him, and his overall displeasure meshing really well with Brute's bloodlust and love of brutality. Something tells me that they are going to enjoy banging the ever-loving heck out of each other.

The Sidekick OTPs

Harry Pitt x Julie Bean (HarJul)
This normie couple is the true definition of needing a lot more love. Harry's grubby jock persona and Julie's cheery cuteness make them click so phenomenally. I can see a lot of lovability with these two and I am so happy to be a hardcore HarJul shipper.

Mike Believe x Robin Snyder (Robike)
The mere fact that this couple has been holding up so well ever since I first started shipping this when I was fifteen years old really does testify how much I am utterly devoted to this couple. There is no shadow of a doubt that Mike and Robin can show loads of love, support, kindness, and positive vibes when they are together, and they can display it in spades. This is relationship goals right there founded on unconditional love, boundless creativity, and loads of compassion

Elmer Sglue x Mary (Elmary)
The sheer adorkability found in this couple is off the charts. Elmer would be able to love Mary for her jolly attitude, cheeriness, and lovability while Mary would be able to look past Elmer's unusual habits and see a lovely person who enjoys creating things.

The Sidekick OTPs not Mentioned in the Meme

Pablo x Hanout (PabHan), Floyd Floyjoydson x Jeff (FloyJeff), Lloyd Floyjoydson x Joey (LloyJoe), Wes Goingon x Kim (WesKim), and Joey Finklemeyer x Jenny (JoeJen)
These three slash pairings and two straight pairings, which I would have loved to add to this meme, are all lovely, sweet, well-meaning and display healthy and loving relationships.

The Grown-Up OTPs

The Mayor x His Wife (MayorWife)
This eccentric old couple certainly know how to keep things entertaining and fun. For that, I salute these two being together for a very long time.

Mr. Green x Miss Sara Bellum (GreenBell)
In my AU headcanon, Mr. Green and Mrs. Bellum Green are the loving, awesome, and supportive parents of Brick, Butch, Boomer, and Mitch. As for them as a couple, they would show a lot of offbeat lovability, unconditional love, and undying support, respect, and allegiance. Ergo, this couple rules because of how much they can look beyond the surface and forge a beautiful relationship together.

Professor Utonium x Miss Keane (ProfKeane)
This is the adult couple I love the most because of how much this has meant to me growing up and how much I still cherish Professor Utonium and Mrs. Keane-Utonium as a couple. Moreover, in my AU headcanon, they are the loving, supportive parents of Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bunny. Henceforth, they know how to make family be the bedrock of their lives.

My Most Cherished, Treasured, Beloved, Esteemed, Praised, and Blessed OTPs of all Time

Before I briefly talk about them, I would really love to thank my fellow shippers of these four wonderful, flexible, and awesome power couples BrickercupMasterX3, KatyGorl, and Chacha987 especially to the likes of xahCHUx and PurfectPrincessGirl where the color-clash couples are concerned for all of their inspiration, motivation, and overall dedication to make me have every reason to wake up in the morning to talk about and draw these wonderful couples and their equally wonderful offspring.

Mitch Mitchelson x Bunny (Bunnitch)
This charming couple is the definition of how well opposites can attract, as Mitch's roguish roughness and surprising amount of kindness can be able to let Bunny open her heart and not let her be shy anymore. There is no doubt that there is a synergetic, loving, and beautiful relationship with these two. Moreover, they can be completely capable of protecting each other from all ills.

Butch x Bubbles (Butchubbles)
Speaking of opposites attracting, this toughie and cutie couple is the best one I have ever seen and I love everything this couple represents. Butch's super strength, magnificent muscles, and terrific toughness will be able to keep his darling Bubbles safe from every monster, mugger or murderer. Meanwhile, Bubbles' brand of kindness, lovability, and compassion will definitely heal Butch's inner wounds and give him the quilting comfort and unconditional love he truly deserves.

Brick x Buttercup (Brickercup)
I have shipping this couple for a very, very long time because of how exceptionally they can click with each other. Their resilience, strength, endurance, and determination make them the go to power couple for getting each and every job done. Moreover, Brick's determination and Buttercup's rambunctiousness can mesh so superbly to the point where I would love to keep rooting them so much! Quantity-wise, they are absolutely fabulous together and if you were to look up inseparable in the dictionary, Brick and Buttercup would surely appear on that page.

Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer)
My most esteemed Blossoomer. Is it any wonder why I have been having a fix and putting a good number of my Blossoomer kids with some of Betty-M's OCs and have more to come in her Christmas Contest? Well, if you could not already tell, Boomer x Blossom aka Blossoomer is not only my most favorite RuffPuff couple of all time but also my most favorite Townsville power couple ever! There is a purity, gorgeousness, beauty, strength, loyalty, support, abundance, joy, prosperity, and brilliance found in Blossoomer which make me ecstatic to be a hardcore Blossoomer shipper. There is so much good with this pairing that I believe they stand tall as the greatest Townsville couple ever. I could also say the same thing about Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Bunnitch but Blossoomer has that extra special something that makes this couple stand extremely tall and makes me filled to the brim with inspiration, gladness, and motivation.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care and Happy Holidays, everybody.

All of the characters from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

Frankie Foster from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

Jack Spicer and Omi from Xiaolin Showdown belong to Christy Hui and Kids' WB.
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