Ranking My Most Favorite RuffPuff Couples (Part 2)

Hey, everybody! Antoni, here with another written entry.

Well, you have all been waiting for this. It is now time to rank my most favorite set of RuffPuff couples of all time, the Color-Clash couples. Essentially, this is the sudden death round for my most favorite set of couples, as only one couple can ascend the throne as who I can see in my eyes to be the greatest RuffPuff couple of all time.

This is also dedicated to my most beloved siblings from other mothers in color-clash-shipping xahCHUx, BrickercupMasterX3, KatyGorl, PurfectPrincessGirl, crystal-sn0w, AmusedDoodler, xmysticaldreamsx, Scarlettbreaking, PowerpuffObsessed, and YokoAnimeProductions. Since I have been appreciating their works involving around the color-clash RuffPuff couples, I thought this written entry would be a wonderful platform for them to witness this particular "medal ceremony" I have in store for these said couples. So, I hope you guys enjoy what I have to say, and I would also love to hear your thoughts on how I rank these couples as well.

With that said, let us commence the medal ceremony for what I believe to be the greatest set of RuffPuff couples, The Color-Clash Couples.

Bronze Medal: Butch x Bubbles (Butchubbles)
Receiving the bronze medal for being the most adorable, lovable, and surprisingly synergetic couple of all time are Butch and Bubbles who also display how wonderfully their opposite personalities can mesh with each other.

Coming from someone who has been growing up with such strong bad boy and sweet ingenue animated couples such as Seiji and Midori from "Midori Days", Arashi and Miwako from "Paradise Kiss", and Kevin and Gwen from "Ben 10 Alien Force", I have seen just how much Butchubbles pleasantly surprises me to an astoundingly high level.

Speaking of surprises, this couple is a clear-cut example of how they can have the ability to surprise each other in the most delightful way. Butch would easily be both surprised and entranced by Bubbles' brand of butt-kicking and even be turned on by Bubbles' hardcore side every way until Sunday. Meanwhile, Bubbles would be easily surprised with how supportive, attentive, protective, and strong Butch is towards her. For example, if Bubbles were to find herself at the mercy of jealous, catty, shallow colleagues, Butch would be the first one to call them out on their crap, tell them to leave Bubbles alone, and would assure Bubbles that she is perfect the way she is and she has nothing to worry about. In Bubbles' case, she would be able to find Butch's love of arts, crafts, and music really endearing because of how much he can appreciate Bubbles' brand of creativity and keen eye for detail. Therefore, they would easily learn a thing or two about each other which would empower them in profound and meaningful ways.

If that is not enough, they can be surprisingly formidable with Butch's muscles, super strength, and animal instincts and Bubbles' agility, reflexes, usage of surprise, and combat prowess being put to phenomenal use. Ergo, Butch and Bubbles would give criminals the beating they deserve with style and brilliance. Outside the battlefield, Butch and Bubbles would also maintain a most stress-free and unconditionally loving relationship with them supporting each other in the good and the bad.

Silver Medal: Brick x Buttercup (Brickercup)
Obtaining the silver medal is Townsville's very own hot and spicy couple, Brick and Buttercup. These two are a phenomenal example of resilience, perseverance, toughness, strength, loyalty, and genuine awesomeness present in their relationship, and that is an absolute joy to witness.

Brick and Buttercup are indubitably amazing in terms of how well their personalities, hobbies, and passion for life can easily find common ground and make them the unbreakable couple they truly are. Ergo, they are unafraid to go physical and have the rambunctious, tough, and determined attitudes to prove it in spades. Moreover, they could easily respect each other on a profound level with Brick respecting and admiring Buttercup for her intrepidness, her confidence, her flair, her independence, her outspokenness, and her physical strength and with Buttercup respecting Brick in such a profound level for his large-and-in-charge personality, his determination, his resilience, his genuine care for the team, his roguish charm, and his rebellious mindset. Therefore, their strong personalities make Brick and Buttercup stand out in bold, vibrant, flashing colors.

Physicality and endurance are the very facets which define Brick and Buttercup in everything they do individually and as a couple. Alone Brick and Buttercup have their strengths with Brick being a wonderful combination of strength, speed, command, military tactics, toughness, and quick reflexes and Buttercup being a great source of muscle, strength, and boundless endurance. However, when put together, Brick and Buttercup can get the job done beating felons, lowlives, and monsters into submission and, eventually, a bloody pulp. Essentially, Brick and Buttercup can both strike fear to the wrongdoers and collectively snap their necks in two.

To say this couple is smashingly grand is a mere understatement. Brickercup is phenomenal in terms of how much endurance, resilience, and big, bold beauty there is between Brick the Bludgeoner and Buttercup the Toughest Fighter. Quantity-wise, I have been shipping Brickercup for a long time because of how greatly they can work off of each other and for displaying so much toughness in everything they do.

So, if Brickercup is the color-clash couple that has ended up receiving the silver medal, which color-clash couple let alone RuffPuff couple ended up going home with the gold medal and obtaining the title of Townsville's Greatest Power Couple of all time. You are all about to find out right now, as I will announce this couple right now!

Gold Medal, Overall Winner, and Gaining the Title of "Townsville's Greatest Power Couple": Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer)
Heavens, yes! This is the moment I have been waiting for because of how much significance, genuineness, beauty, purity, class, and gorgeousness are present with Boomer and Blossom as a healthy, beautiful, and splendid couple. Boomer and Blossom scream awesome relationship goals made of win, win, and more win. For that, Blossoomer shall go home with the gold medal and gain the title of "Townsville's Greatest Power Couple" ever! This certainly calls for a celebration dedicated to the phenomenal Cotton Candy Couple.

What makes Blossoomer bear a lot of weight, significance, and awesomeness in my eyes is just how much genuineness, allegiance, perseverance, resilience, and moral support I can find between Boomer and Blossom. On top of that, this is quite an underrated ship which deserves a whole lot more recognition and love than it already does. Therefore, Blossoomer gives me a lot of inspiration, drive, and determination to permeate the love I have for this couple because of the positivity, profundity, and purity present between Boomer the lovable dumb muscle and Blossom the eloquent brainy beauty.

In terms of their abilities as combatants, they are just simply phenomenal with Boomer's bulging muscles, super strength, lightning speed, and absolute endurance complimenting Blossom's lethal accuracy, great speed, conscientiousness, and strong defenses. Any felon or monster who is foolhardy enough to mess with them will easily witness a world of pain and trauma. In short, Boomer may be good-humored, gregarious, and fun-loving on the outside and Blossom may be classy, elegant, and well-kept on the outside but, on the inside, they are exceptionally lethal and display heaps of endurance and determination in visually vibrant, symphonically harmonious, and elegantly energetic colors. As if that is not enough, Boomer's lightning powers, especially when forming objects out of raw energy, and Blossom's ice powers, especially her signature ice breath, make them all the more formidable and make their healthy synergy all the more brilliant and phenomenal. I love it to bits!

However, there is a whole lot more to formidable fisticuffs than meets the eye. My main reason goes back to the genuineness, purity, and complete package Blossoomer have in everything they represent. While Butchubbles displays pleasant surprises and a nice brand of adorability and Brickercup displays heaps of resilience, determination, and toughness in everything they go through, Blossoomer is all that and more with being the complete package of adorability, lovability, resilience, determination, purity, brilliance, loyalty, allegiance, and overall beauty. Considering how much depth there is in Boomer's and Blossom's personalities, they can truly see each other for who they are. Boomer may display simplicity, a sense of fun, and a surprising amount of positivity but deep down he does tend to have self-esteem issues, be misunderstood, and even long for someone who could be able to figure him out. Blossom may be poised, elegant, intelligent, and eloquent but underneath that perfect veneer of a mask, she has doubts, insecurities, and anxieties, especially when all of those burdens come down on her because of how much she needs to be a great role model and prove herself to be perfect.

So, where do Boomer and Blossom go from there? For starters, Boomer would be sympathetic and gracious enough to state that Blossom is beautiful, wonderful, and phenomenal for who she is and no one can change that, thus giving her true acknowledgement, compassion, and unconditional love. Meanwhile, Blossom would inspire Boomer to stand up for what is right more often and even help him if ever he finds himself in such a pickle either in academics or in his social life, thus giving him loads of compassion, kindness, diplomacy, and mercy. The result is a relationship that has all the makings of being stress-free, all-encompassing in terms of the beauty and grace of being in one, and purely made of win.

Henceforth, Boomer and Blossom wins the gold medal and the title of "Townsville's Greatest Power Couple" for not only being the greatest color-clash RuffPuff couple of all time and for being the greatest overall RuffPuff couple of all time but for also being the greatest animated couple ever. I am more than happy to call myself a loyal, hardcore, and avid Blossoomer shipper, and my love for the Cotton Candy Couple will know no bounds, to the point where I will never for the life of me stop making fanart and even write about them on a hopefully consistent basis, thus giving Blossoomer the love it solely deserves.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed my rankings for my most favorite RuffPuff couples of all time. Now, my dear siblings in color-clash RuffPuff shipping, it is your turn to make your own rankings of which of the color-clash couples shall get the bronze, silver, and gold medals respectively. Feel free to tag me in your written entries so that I will see who you managed to rank. I am delightfully and phenomenally interested to see which color-clash couple ended up obtaining the gold medal in your eyes.

Until then, I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody.

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