Ranking My Most Favorite RuffPuff Couples (Part 1)

Greetings, fellow Rowdyruff Boys x Powerpuff Girls shippers of the world, it is your old pal Antoni here with another written entry, which is also for this year's Red Ribbon Reviewers contribution.

I have basically made this written entry as a means to continue to show my undying gratitude to the one and only KatyGorl whose Claim a PPG Pairing Month was a lot of fun to get myself into, even though I did have a lot of late entries because of my vacation in Paris, Bordeaux, and Dresden, growing my YouTube channel which I am most thankful for reaching 1019 subscribers, and the busy time I am currently having at my university. I just want to use this journal entry as a sort of honorary entry to continue to show my appreciation for my most beloved Rowdyruff x Powerpuff couples of all time.

I am pretty sure that for those of you who have been following me on DeviantArt for a year, you will already know who my most favorite RuffPuff couples are.

Anyways, let's get on to who gets the bronze, silver, and gold medals for the best couple.

Bronze Medal: Boomer x Bubbles (Boomubbles aka The Blues)
Taking home the bronze medal for being the sweetest, most adorable, loveliest, and most stress-free couple are the peace-loving blue-clad, blonde-haired cuties Boomer and Bubbles. I can never deny just how endearing this couple is, even though it does come from the RuffPuff pairing category I do not particularly care for, which is the color-code couples.

Admittedly, this pairing category has two of my least favorite RuffPuff couples in the forms of Blossick and Butchercup, which the latter is my absolute NOTP of all time, but Boomubbles manages to salvage whatever ill feelings I have towards this particular pairing category by a decent percentage.

Even though I still enjoy Boomubbles to this day because I feel that this is the best couple from the color-code category, several facets about the Blues tend to be on the syrupy, sickly sweet side of things. I am not implying that it is a bad thing, but it can get monotonous and tedious after a while.

Moreover, while I do feel the vibes of having a stress-free, healthy, loving, and supportive relationship from Boomubbles, there are actually better pairings for these two blue-clad darlings, and I will get to them eventually. Regardless, Boomubbles is the color-code couple I can still cherish for its positivity and overall optimism.

Silver Medal: Butch x Blossom (Blossutch)
From the color-crack category, we have Butch x Blossom aka Blossutch aka the Watermelon Couple getting the silver medal for its overall elegance, charm, and stunningly healthy synergy. I love this couple for everything it stands for with the greatest facets of Blossutch being trust, compassion, and a willingness to change for the better. Moreover, Blossutch can turn the whole bad boy falling for the bookworm trope over its head, thus breaking certain conventions.

Physically, Butch and Blossom are more than capable of striking fear into their enemies with just how formidable they are as combatants, especially when Butch's muscles, super strength, and fierceness are masterfully combined with Blossom's brand of lethal accuracy, awesome combat prowess, and unwavering focus. I love their dynamics in the battlefield so damn much!

However, that is not the only reason why I cherish Blossutch so much. It also has something to do with how well they can understand each other. Butch can see that Blossom may have a perfect and shiny veneer but it masks a lot of insecurities, doubts, anxieties, problems, and fears that her flaws may come into light and may not make her acceptable as a role model. Blossom is utterly aware that Butch may have a rough, tough, strong exterior but inside that hard outer shell is someone who is so sick and tired of feeling and acting like Brick's lapdog every single day, has a lot of emotional constipation because of the idea that he cannot feel free to express himself, has certain addictions that would end up unhealthy, and, most of all, feeling like he is going to be in Brick's shadow for the rest of his life.

This is where both Butch and Blossom can really look beyond the surface, be the only ones to realize how much they are hurting inside, and help each other change for the better. Butch would be able to value, appreciate, and respect Blossom because of her compassion, diplomacy, open-mindedness, grace, and pragmatism and Blossom would be able to cherish Butch because of his loyalty, protectiveness, sense of allegiance, and courage. Therefore, Butch would inspire Blossom to not always preoccupy herself with what everyone else thinks about her and give her loads of respect and praise for being diplomatic, intelligent, strong, and pretty. In turn, Blossom would inspire Butch to stand up for himself, be his own fighter, and even give him something that he has been craving for the longest time, acknowledgment, praise, and compassion because she can understand what it feels like to be in Butch's shoes, not have a say in what is right or wrong, and feel like he cannot break away from Brick's shadow.

Words cannot begin to describe how much Blossutch means to me. It is full of healthy synergy, has tons of beautiful dynamics, and it is an overall wonderful pairing that leaves me with such euphoria and hope for greater things to come.

Gold Medal: Brick x Buttercup, Butch x Bubbles, and Boomer x Blossom (The Color-Clash Couples)
Oh yes, folks. There is not just one, not just two, but three couples who end up sharing the gold medal, and they are all from a pairing category I deeply care for the most and where all of my passions are. I am, of course, talking about the color-clash couples consisting of Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer, the greatest, most stress-free, healthiest, most enduring RuffPuff couples in the history of Rowdyruff x Powerpuff shipping.

What makes this set of couples the greatest in my eyes is how superbly their personalities mesh with each other. All of the flavors, sensations, and the charm are all there in each and every color-clash couple. From Brickercup's exciting spice to Butchubbles' savory flavor with a subtly sweet kick to Blossoomer's refreshing palate-cleansing, these couples are the real deal for me and that is going to stay that way.

Brickercup is an example of a couple who can go from strength to strength, find great things about each other, and overcome every obstacle with resilience, perseverance, and pride. Brick and Buttercup are fully aware their relationship is not so much of the fairy tale type, but that will never stop them from fulfilling their dreams, rising to the top, and being the strong power couple they truly are. Brick can be able to admire Buttercup for her independence, outspokenness, and toughness and Buttercup can be able to admire Brick for his large-and-in-charge personality, determination, and resilience. Ergo, Brickercup is an epic match made in Heaven.

Butchubbles has the ability to surprise in the most delightful way. Coming from someone who has grown up with such anime couples such as Seiji x Midori from Midori Days and Arashi x Miwako from Paradise Kiss, I have officially given this couple the green light for everything that it positively represents. I could see these two admiring each other for who they are and even protecting each other from whatever ills may come their way. Butch would be able to use his strength to protect Bubbles from all sorts of bullies and nasty creatures, and Bubbles would be able to use her kind and gentle heart to soften Butch's heart and understand where he is coming from. This opposites-attract couple is here to stay and I am very proud to be a hardcore Butchubbles shipper.

Blossoomer is the definition of true relationship goals incarnate. They are the couple who will easily end up growing old together and have the most stress-free relationship ever. Both Boomer and Blossom will definitely stand side-by-side and help each other conquer their own demons to become better people. Boomer can easily admire Blossom for her compassion, diplomacy, and intelligence and will do everything he can to protect her and give her all the respect and acknowledgment she deserves. Moreover, he would also be entranced with how strong and formidable she is. Meanwhile, Blossom can easily admire Boomer for his loyalty, kindness, and willingness to change and will always be grateful for him for having her back. When all is said and done, Blossoomer is purity and beauty incarnate and I love this couple so darn much!

The color-clash couples, Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer, have indubitably ended up perching atop the medal ceremony platform and ended up coming home with the gold medal and a trophy for being the best set of couples of all time. However, this is not over yet. Since this is ended up a three-way tie, tune in next time where I give them the sudden death match they wholly deserve. We shall see which color-clash couple will end up ascending to first place and obtain the gold medal. Until next time, my dear friends.

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