My Updated RRB x PPG Ships

The original RRB x PPG shipping meme belongs to xXRuffGalXx. Moreover, this is one of my annual Red Ribbon Reviewer contributions for the year of 2019.

This redone shipping meme is mainly a condensed version of the RuffPuff couples I hate the most to the ones I absolutely love as my OTPs. Moreover, as you can tell Ruffcest and Puffcest are completely and utterly out of the question because I find those two sets of incest absolutely abhorrent, as I would gladly love to focus all of my energy on mainly the RuffPuff couples. No more, no less.

With that said, let us get started.

My Most Loathed NoTP of All Time: Butch x Buttercup (Butchercup)
This pairing makes my blood boil because of how much unnecessary stress, animosity, annoyance, and chaos is present between these two green-clad, raven-haired toughies. Moreover, this is a clear example of what it feels like to be in an unhealthy Karmic relationship, and these two green-clad hotheads better get away from each other before it gets uglier than it already is. They might as well stay good friends and nothing more, as far as I am concerned. Should you end up requesting me to draw Butchercup, I would easily answer with a big, fat, resounding no because the Greens really grind my gears to no end, and I do not ever want to partake in their hot and heavy yelling matches which will all come to a most appalling end.

My Most Disliked Pairing of All Time: Brick x Blossom (Blossick)
To its credit, Blossick is not as much of a Karmic relationship compared to Butchercup, but it is still not great in my eyes. The massive egos, the over-controlling nature, and the selfishness which occur between the Reds are enough for me to leave this "couple" be. It also does not help matters that Blossick is one of the most overrated, over-loved, and over-praised couples ever. Henceforth, I am proud to be Anti-Blossick, and I am so done with this overrated RuffPuff pairing, as they might as well stay good friends. So, please do not request me to draw anything Blossick-related, thank you very much.

My Meh Pairings: Brick x Bubbles (Brickubbles) and Boomer x Buttercup (Boomercup)
On the surface, these two pairings are cute in an "I want to hug my teddy bear" way. They do fit the typical High School crush scenarios. In Bubbles' case, it is the case of the preppy cheerleader with an edge swooning over the large-and-in-charge, determined, resilient quarterback of the football/MVP of the basketball team. In Boomer's case, it is the case of the simple-minded yet good-humored and sweet dumb muscle of a track star falling in love with the rambunctious, feisty, mouthy volleyball/soccer star. However, take those facets away and I will just state that both Brickubbles and Boomercup are cute and nothing more. At best, the Blues would actually function greatly as loyal in-laws with Bubbles being very supportive of Brick and always finding a nicer side to him, and Boomer being just as supportive towards Buttercup in helping her become at one with her feelings. Even Brick and Buttercup would do wonders to Bubbles and Boomer as great friends for life.

My Liked Pairing: Boomer x Bubbles (Boomubbles)
Coming from the pairing category I care for the least, Boomer and Bubbles are the only ones who ended up salvaging my feelings towards the color-code couples only by half an inch. At least the Blues can find loads of time to make a relationship stress-free, harmonious, and full of positive vibes. Other than that, in a whole different universe, Boomubbles would just function as a fluffy crush and nothing more.

My Loved Pairing: Butch x Blossom (Blossutch)
Sure, in a different universe, this would mainly work as a one-time crush and one-night stand altogether. However, I would still go out of my way and say that this is an absolutely lovely couple. The synergy present in Butch and Blossom has all the potential to become a thing of beauty and strength. Moreover, they could do wonders for each other. Butch can give Blossom the admiration, respect, attentiveness, kindness, and loyalty she deserves. Blossom can help Butch become his own person without depending too much on Brick as his "hero" and can give him the acknowledgment, acclaim, compassion, honesty, and positivity he deserves. The low-fat icing on top of this lovely watermelon cake is that Butch can realize that Blossom does have insecurities, doubts, and anxieties like everyone else in spite of her perfect veneer of a mask, while Blossom can fully comprehend that Butch is hurting inside because of the many times Brick treats him like his own pet dog instead of his brother, his lack of self-control, his tendency to lash out, and his boundless anger because he has not found a healthy outlet to take it out on. At the end of the day, Butch can say with confidence that Blossom does not have to be too worried about what other people think and even the haters because she is pretty, smart, strong, courageous, independent, compassionate, and diplomatic which are the traits that make Blossom all the more beautiful in Butch's eyes. Blossom can easily affirm that Butch is a loyal, dedicated, loving, passionate, strong soul who does care for his brothers Brick and Boomer even though he is the designated middle child of the Ruffs and that he can always use his super strength and courage to save others and the day itself making him a hero in her eyes. Together, Butch and Blossom have the indubitable capability of seeing the best in each other with flying colors.

My OTPs for Life: Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer), Brick x Buttercup (Brickercup), and Butch x Bubbles (Butchubbles)
These couples are the clearest definitions of unconditional love, boundless healthy synergy, strong loyalty, and healthy relationship goals personified. I can find no wrong with any of them, and I am proud to call myself a hardcore Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles shipper. I am also just as fortunate to have kept surrounding myself with fellow artists, fans, and friends who are just as loyal, devout, and hardcore color-clash RuffPuff couples as I am. Moreover, I can spot all of these unique flavors and facets with these wonderful set of power couples. Blossoomer has this elegance, poise, sense of unconditional love, genuineness, and beauty which make me all the more enthralled and enthusiastic to create more Blossoomer-related fanart and fan-related work involving their children. Brickercup has this spice, fierceness, splendor, vivacity, and excitement which make me root for this epic power couple, scream Brick's and Buttercup's name to the heavens, and make me amazed at how consistent I have been in terms of shipping this hot and spicy couple, as they are the definition of inseparability, loyalty, fortitude, and indestructibility. Butchubbles has this versatility, charm, lovability, creativity, and fun which make me hypnotized and entranced by how amazingly well their personalities can mesh, thus making me root for them to stick to each other like crazy glue. It says something that with super strong, chivalrous beaus like Boomer, Brick, and Butch they truly deserve super elegant, gorgeous ladies like Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, as the color-clash couples are the gold-medal standard in terms of being in a healthy, amazing, synergetic relationship.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, everybody.

The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
My Updated RRB x PPG Ships.png

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