My Rowdyruff x Powerpuff 2019 Motivational Poster

This Rowdyruff x Powerpuff shipping motivational poster collage is mainly dedicated to all of my Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer shipping friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. Moreover, aside from me being grateful to all of my fellow artists who specialize in the color-clash aka mixed color couples, I would also love to thank the likes of SapphireSonicmaster, TheSweetRosePrincess, MissEmmyJay, Blossom200, bubblyshipper, Scarlettbreaking, and AyosDesignz for being absolutely inspiring, passionate, and awesome people, for also believing in me as an artist, and for making my 2019 so wonderful. May all of 2020s be absolutely amazing and fruitful, and I wish you all the best in your lives as artists and as people.

This Rowdyruff x Powerpuff shipping motivational poster collage covers the period I have done these from July 2, 2019 to December 29, 2019. Once again, I seriously have to thank RivaAnime for giving the grit, inspiration, and determination to do these type of motivational and occasional demotivational posters because everything she has done was truly inspiring and has given me more than one reason to keep on committing myself to doing these.

Throughout my life, I have been shipping The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls mostly because of the wonderful fan art. I started off as a color-code shipper, even though I knew in the back of my mind Butch x Buttercup was an example of a couple that was not meant to be. Regardless, I still felt inspired by the fan art and fanfics to keep on being on the color-code bandwagon, especially considering that I used tho think that Boomubbles was the best out of the color-code couples.

Years later, ever since I was inspired by BrickercupMasterX3's and xahCHUx's works mainly revolving around Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer, I started to become a lot more curious about mixed-color pairings. In fact, it seemed absolutely predestined that Blossick and Butchercup were starting to lose their appeal because of the cracks I saw in their relationships thanks to reading the fanfics, looking at the fan art revolving around them, and, of course, re-watching a lot of episodes. This got to the point where I officially lost all of my mojo with Blossick and especially Butchercup because I realized that these two pairings were examples of being in an unhealthy, hot and heavy, draining Karmic relationship with the latter "pairing" coming out on top. This was what also lead me to become completely tired of the color-code RuffPuff couples with me growing tired of how Blossick's massive egos, over-competitiveness, and selfishness could consume them on the inside, Butchercup's over-competitiveness, emotional constipation, loudness, and addiction to violence could destroy whatever prospect of a healthy relationship they would have had, and I was even starting to become drained of Boomubbles' brand of being syrupy, over-sentimental, and absolutely boring.

Looking back at that shipping demotivational poster revolving around Blossick, Butchercup, and Boomubbles, I realized how anti color-code I really was. Even in spite of the flack I got from the anti-Blossick demotivational poster and the anti color code demotivational poster, I was still standing tall and firm saying that I found the color-code RuffPuff couples extremely overrated, over-loved, and over-praised that there are a lot of better options for the Blues, the Reds, and especially the Greens. Ergo, Butchercup has ended up being my biggest NOTP for life because of how terrifyingly awful their sham of a relationship would end up being, Blossick has also ended up being my NOTP because of how selfish and over-competitive they would be to each other, and Boomubbles, sadly enough, ended up getting the NOTP treatment because of how bland, boring, and too safe this pairing really was. I knew it was time to acknowledge how much healthier Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer truly were as couples.

Enter my undying love, devotion, and admiration for Brick x Buttercup, Butch x Bubbles, and Boomer x Blossom aka Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer aka the color-clash RuffPuff couples. I realized how many shipping motivational posters I made revolving around these couples because of how much inspiration was surging through my blood, veins, and heart for these dynamic, multidimensional couples. In fact, I can chalk up each of these awesome couples into the following categories.

Brickercup or Brick x Buttercup is the toughest, strongest, most resilient, and most passionate power couple who are unafraid of getting very physical and can have the ability to display how effectively they can take down every monster, mugger, and murderer. Should anyone anger them or give in to laziness, one will end up facing the wrath, fury, ire, and rage of Brickercup, which will not be a pretty picture. Their rambunctiousness, resilience, toughness, and determination have been down to all twenty-four of their children Brad, Bruce, Bailee, Bea, Brett, Bridget, Baxter, Blaster, Braxton, Buckley, Brooklyn, Braelyn, Brina, Brock, Blaze, Barker, Brent, Burner, Brooke, Brianna, Bane, Bethany, Bona, and Brenna.

Butchubbles or Butch x Bubbles is the most well-balanced, adorable, loving, and appreciative power couple who may be sweet, lovable, and display a lot of kindness and warmth on the outside, but when provoked, they can unleash their collective strength and anger to kick their enemies' butts. Moreover, Bubbles considers herself extremely lucky to have such a super strong guy like Butch rescue and protect her from all forms of peril to the point where she proclaims that he is her hero. Their strength, adorability, kindness, fighting spirit, and toughness have been passed down to all twenty-four of their children Brandon, Buddy, Brea, Betty, Blithe, Bibi, Blaine, Blair, Breckin, Bowen, Brandi, Bellamy, Bailey, Barley, Bonnie, Brittany, Ben, Bronson, Brody, Birdie, Beckett, Bali, Belina, and Blondine.

Blossoomer or Boomer x Blossom is the most genuine, purest, most gorgeous, most cultured, most elegant, and classiest power couple who can combine beauty, class, strength, and adorability into one amazingly-wrapped package. Boomer and Blossom easily display how tight, firm, and genuine their relationship is because of how effectively they can protect each other from all forms of vice, see each other for who they really are, help each other out in the most dire of circumstances, and how much unconditional love an positivity there is in their relationship. On a personal level, I have made the most number of motivational posters revolving around Blossoomer because this was the color-clash couple that needed a whole lot more love, acknowledgement, and praise than it currently had. Going back to Blossoomer, their compassion, genuineness, purity, and intellect have been passed down to all twenty-four of their children Bloom, Brittney, Beau, Brian, Becky, Bella, Basil, Bramley, Bartholomew, Brenton, Blanchefleur, Blandine, Bernadette, Barrett, Byron, Bertram, Brendan, Blake, Bradley, Belle, Brenda, Belinda, Barbara, and Bijou.

It is sufficed to say that I started off my RRB x PPG shipping motivational posters with Brickercup and ended it all with Brickercup, as this has always been the color-clash couple I have been shipping since forever. Moreover, I am going to do my very best to keep on drawing more fan art of Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and their respective children and keep on tackling their healthy, awesome, and synergetic couple dynamics head-on with everything I have.

I hope you all enjoyed this shipping motivational poster collage, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, everybody.

Brick, Butch, Boomer, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Blossom from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
My Rowdyruff x Powerpuff 2019 Motivational Poster Summary.jpg

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