My Redone PPG Couple Rating Chart

This Powerpuff Girls Couples Chart belongs to the amazing, indescribably awesome, and phenomenal xahCHUx who is also known on YouTube as chuusy.

I am sure you are all aware of the title above but let us all just say that while some of my preferences stayed the same others have changed with much intensity. Yes, I will also include the Bunny ships at the end of the main trio of super sisters and who I highly believe they should end up with because I can and she is alive and well in my Team Xtreme headcanon. By the way, the Blossom pairings and the Bubbles pairings have something very interesting because I have two OTP pairings for these two, which I am sure you already know a mile away.

With that said, let us get cracking.

The Buttercup Ships

Ultimate OTP Pairing that I will always cherish until the end of time: Brick x Buttercup (Brickercup FTW, dudes and darlings, because they are so freaking awesome together! I guarantee it with all my heart!)
My respect, admiration, enthusiasm, and passion for this exceptional color-clash couple knows no bounds and for very good reason. Brickercup is my ultimate endgame ship for The Bludgeoner and The Toughest Fighter to the point where they are indubitably inseparable. It is the type of relationship that starts off with being great friends as children grows into admiration during their pre-teen years and ends up in a healthy, vibrant, and marvelous relationship from adolescence to adulthood. I guess there was a great reason why I gave Brickercup a grand total of 24 children in my Team Xtreme universe, thus combining KatyGorl's Brickercup children with the ones I have. This is because I do not see either Brick or Buttercup with anyone else and I can feel a strong sense of allegiance, endurance, and perseverance with Brickercup to the point where I will never stop rooting for Brick and Buttercup to be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship for life. Quantity-wise, this is the color-clash couple I will find myself supporting every single step of the way.

Loved Pairing: Boomer x Buttercup (Boomercup)
In another universe, I probably would have been a hardcore color-crack shipper. Boomercup is an example of a really cute and innocent pairing that is akin to hugging my teddy bear and interacting with it to no end. To its credit, it is surprisingly healthy considering how well Boomer's sympathetic dumb muscle personality can mesh with Buttercup's rambunctiousness and feistiness. They can break each others' walls down rather well. However, as it is, I see it more as an admiration within a High School setting. No more, no less. At least it is a lot healthier than another Buttercup relationship I would love to keep ripping to pieces. Trust me, we will get there. At the end of the day, Boomercup is a very cute pairing I can get behind but it still does not hold a candle to the awesomeness that is Brickercup.

Liked Pairing: Ace x Buttercup (Acercup)
I used to not care for this pairing because of what happened in "Buttercrush" but I have finally realized that if Buttercup were to turn to the dark side, I would really get behind this pairing. This is because Ace is a charmer and has a way with the ladies. So, at least, I can enjoy it for what it is when it comes to having a suave, roguish gang leader hooking up with a rambunctious toughie, age notwithstanding.

Just Friends: Mitch x Buttercup (Mitchercup) and Elmer x Buttercup (Elmercup)
Even when I was young, I never got behind Buttercup being romantically involved with either Mitch or Elmer. However, I do enjoy Buttercup's friendship moments with Mitch because of how well these two can click and how many awesome moments there are between them. In Elmer's case, I do enjoy how he was able to see a softer side to Buttercup and I can easily imagine that he could do that more often. While I prefer Mitchercup over Elmercup, I am still firm in my decision to keep them as friends.

Indifferent Pairng: Johnny Test x Buttercup (Johnnycup)
I still never got into this pairing at all. At least, the fanart seems enjoyable to look.

Disliked Pairing: Buttercup x Princess Morbucks (PrinCup)
In my headcanon, Buttercup is straight and it could be argued that Princess is bisexual. So, a romance between these two will not happen. What would happen between these two is a rivalry and that is all.

NOTP for Life: Butch x Buttercup (Butchercup)
This is what a Karmic Relationship feels like with The Greens as a couple. There will only be death, destruction, chaos, unbridled addiction, overly repetitive patterns, and animosity occurring between these two green-clad hotheads and they will never escape from the quagmires they dug themselves into. To say they deserve better is a mere understatement. I am so done with Butchercup for good and for all. They just needs to stay good friends who can kick butt together before someone gets hurt.

The Blossom Pairings

Ultimate OTP Pairing I will always cherish until the end of time: Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer FTW, ladies and gentlemen, because they are genuinely exceptional together!)
Blossoomer is true, untainted relationship goals incarnate, as I can never get enough of how awesome Boomer and Blossom are as a phenomenal couple. While Brickercup may be in the lead in terms of quantity, given how loyal I am to that particular color-clash ship, Blossoomer manages to triumph in terms of the quality of this couple. Why is that? Firstly, Blossoomer is an example of how two people can see the best in each other, and with sufficient diplomacy, compassion, and understanding, they can help each other strive to be better people. Secondly, this is a pairing I wholeheartedly accept as genuine, well-meaning, and supportive because of how much Boomer and Blossom will be there for each other without any ulterior motives. Finally, this is a relationship that gives me much joy to know how well and long Boomer and Blossom can last as a couple because of the many positive attributes they have with each other. Ergo, my love for Blossoomer's beauty and purity knows no bounds and I will never let this pairing go, even if I were to be hung on a twelve-foot pole.

OTP Second Choice: Butch x Blossom (Blossutch, and this pairing is absolutely gorgeous!)
As much as my other OTP ship for Blossom may have been knocked down to the OTP second choice category, I can still find so much good with this particular pairing. This is the classic case of a brawny, beastly, tough bad boy hooking up with a brainy, elegant, eloquent beauty. However, this is a whole lot more than that, as both of them can see each other for who they really are. Butch would see that in spite of Blossom's perfect veneer, she still has doubts, anxieties, and everyday problems that normal human beings have because of how much importance she bears as a role model among her sisters, to her colleagues, and to everyone around her. Meanwhile, Blossom would see that Butch's hard, outer shell is a defense mechanism he uses to show how dependent he is on his brother Brick and the many times he cannot control himself. Therefore, Butch can see a Blossom who is compassionate, kind, and diplomatic and Blossom can see a Butch who is loyal, appreciative, and chivalrous in the most unorthodox way. As for their fighting skills, Butch and Blossom are the definition of being a most formidable power couple. Ergo, this is my OTP of the color-crack category.

Loved Pairing: Aku x Blossom (AkuBloss)
Leave it up to the likes of teacupballerina and many other AkuBloss shippers for getting me hooked on this unusually offbeat pairing because I really enjoy this pairing and the fanart it gets. Sure, Aku may be old enough to be Blossom's grandfather and he may have got it on with a fanatical high priestess to produce seven daughters including the wonderful Ashi, but this pairing is the definition of unique, fun, and rather intriguing. Maybe in an alternate universe, Aku would transform himself into a young teenage boy with dark powers akin to how Gwion turned to the bard Taliesin thanks to Cerridwen's bard. Blossom would then be charmed by this mysterious stranger and would end up sweeping her off her feet. Sure, I do see AkuBloss as a sort of dark master and righteous apprentice relationship, but at least with the fanart I have seen, I can say with confidence that I really enjoy AkuBloss so much!

Liked Pairing: Dexter x Blossom (DexBloss)
As overrated as this pairing is, I can still appreciate this in terms of how well these two brainy redheads can be together. Sure, I prefer them as great friends given how much of a hardcore DexOlga and Blossoomer shipper I am, but I am pretty sure that their friendship would be something I would be in high favor of all the way through.

Indifferent Pairings: Harry Pitt x Blossom (Harrossom) and Blossom x Princess Morbucks (PrinBloss)
These two never grew on me for the legit reason that I see a firm friendship in the former case and a competitive rivalry in the latter. Given how much of a hardcore Blossoomer and HarJul shipper I am, I can only see a firm friendship between the grubby, fun-loving dude and the eloquent, level-headed lass. In Princess's case, which is also helped by the fact that the epic battle between her and Blossom is my most favorite moment of "Stuck Up, Up an Away", I see a strong rivalry between these red-headed divas very akin to Nina Williams and Anna Williams of the Tekken franchise. Moreover, Blossom is straight while Princess is bisexual, so a romantic relationship will never happen in the slightest.

Disliked Pairing: Brick x Blossom (Blossick)
I cannot stand this overrated, over-loved, and overly ubiquitous pairing. The Reds truly deserve other life partners who can see the best in them. Sure, they may be my NoTP at worst and my BroTP at best, but there are worse pairings for these two. As the Reds are, I would love to keep them as good friends and that is all.

NOTP for Life: Mojo Jojo x Blossom (Mojossom)
Mojo is highly asexual and I highly doubt he wants any relationship with anyone. I am sure this superhuman chimp would love to keep his celibacy and call it a day. The less said about this pairing the better.

The Bubbles Pairings

Ultimate OTP Pairing I will always cherish until the end of time: Butch x Bubbles (Butchubbles FTW, my lovelies and my pretties, because they are absolutely well-balanced when they are together!)
To say that I am pleasantly surprised that Butchubbles is my OTP for life is a mere understatement. I am incredibly enthusiastic to have them as my OTP. This also goes back to the times I have tuned in to Paradise Kiss and Midori Days and caught my two favorite bad boy and ingenue couples Arashi x Miwako and Seiji x Midori grace the screen with their brand of lovability. If it has worked for them, I convict this can function wonderfully for Butch and Bubbles as a couple. Just as Butchubbles pleasantly surprised me in terms of how I ship them as my OTP, Butch and Bubbles can pleasantly surprise each other in more ways than one. Butch can see that Bubbles is capable, strong, and tough and he would feel turned-on by her. Whereas Bubbles could see a Butch who is loyal, protective, and has a soft spot for animals. At the end of the day, I am always going to love and worship the ground Butchubbles walks on.

OTP Second Choice: Boomer x Bubbles (Boomubbles, and this pairing is absolutely adorable!)
Out of all the color-coded couples, this is the one I will always cherish until my dying day. Forget Blossick and Butchercup might as well screw itself with an iron staff. Boomubbles is the real deal for me when it comes to a great and wonderfully loving relationship in the color-code department. I see this as a couple that has flourished from being childhood sweethearts to something even more when these two blue-clad darlings come of age. Sure, I cannot deny how syrupy the Blues' affection for each other tends to be, but I can still see a relationship based on kindness, unconditional love, and mercy which will always bloom anew.

Loved Pairing: Brick x Bubbles (Brickubbles)
As I stated before, in another universe, I probably would have been a straight-up color-crack shipper. However, as Brickubbles is, it is akin to a schoolgirl crush on Bubbles' side aimed at Brick the large-and-in-charge and Mr. Cool of the school. Nevertheless, since this is a one-sided crush situation, I can only see it as a cute, innocent pairing that couples as a platonic friendship. At least Brickubbles does display a lot more flexibility than Blossick and Boomubbles combined and I can enjoy it for what it is, a pairing I adore but nowhere near OTP levels.

Liked Pairings: Mike Believe x Bubbles (Mikeubbles) and Bubbles x Robin Snyder (Robbles)
Being the hardcore Butchubbles and Robike shipper that I am, I can see Bubbles playing Cupid in Mike's and Robin's lives and be very supportive of their loving, long-lasting relationship. I figure that she is going to call the shots on almost everything that Mike and Robin do in celebrations, special events, and even their wedding. Henceforth, Mike and Robin would repay Bubbles so handsomely.

Indifferent Pairing: Bubbles x Princess Morbucks (Prinubbles)
Given their bisexuality it might happen. However, I feel that they are much too loyal to separate from their darlings for life what with Bubbles being her darling Butchie and Princess loving the absolute heck out of her Jackie. At least, I can see a nice friendship with these two unlike her "elder sisters" who cannot stand having the Mick taken out of them.

Disliked Pairing: Snake x Bubbles (Snakeubbles)
I never saw the appeal of this couple and I cannot comprehend what makes this such a big deal. Moving on.

NOTP for Life: HIM x Bubbles (Hibbles)
It would be a literal Hell on Earth for Bubbles considering how empty HIM's promises of loyalty will be and how much this devil will manipulate, abuse, and mentally torture her to no end.

So, that is all for the main trio of super sisters and who I think they belong with. Now, let us turn our attention to a certain purple-clad, brown-haired Puff who needs no introduction. That is right, ladies and gentlemen. We are taking a look at the Bunny pairings.

The Bunny Pairings

Ultimate OTP I will always cherish until the end of time: Mitch Mitchelson x Bunny (Bunnitch FTW, my homeboys and homegirls, because I just think they are truly adorable and wonderful together!)
I will always thank my sister from another mother, BrickercupMasterX3, for opening my eyes to the sheer lovability and beauty of this pairing. I can see a long-lasting, lovable relationship where these two brunette lovelies can help each other overcome any obstacle that comes along their way. On top of that, this is the Normie x PPG pairing I will always cherish because of everything that it is.

Loved Pairing: Mike Believe x Bunny (Bunnike)
If I were not a hardcore Bunnitch and Robike shipper, this would be a nice second option. As it is, it is more of a first-crush thing and nothing more.

Liked Pairing: Elmer Sglue x Bunny (Elmunny)
It is absolutely plausible and adorable. That is all.

Indifferent Pairings: All of the Rowdyruff Boys x Bunny (Brickunny, Butchunny, and Boomunny)
All of these all right, especially Boomunny, which trumps the heck out of Brickunny and Butchunny by a long-shot. Other than that, they could stay as really firm friends.

Disliked Pairing: Princess Morbucks x Bunny (Prinunny)
I do not see anything happening between these two other than a solid friendship.

NOTP for Life: HIM x Bunny (Himunny)
No! Just NO!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this updated PPG Pairings chart. I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody.

The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
My Redone PPG Couple Rating Chart.jpg

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