My PPG Couple Chart: The Extra Critical Version

This Powerpuff Girls Couples Chart belongs to the amazing, indescribably awesome, and phenomenal xahCHUx who is also known on YouTube as chuusy. Moreover, this is my Red Ribbon Reviewers contribution for this year.

Boy, these extra critical versions of these Rowdyruff Boys x Powerpuff Girls shipping memes are coming up as fast and furious as lightning. As one can tell, my views on these pairings have been changing at such an unbelievably incredible rate. This means no more tied entries, no more leniency, no mercy, and just the plain, hard truth handled with much directness. Moreover, this is officially the final time I am ever going to do an updated version of this couple rating chart

Moreover, do expect the Bunny ships to be an extra entry here because she definitely needs a lot of love.

With that said, let us get cracking with the ships involving the lovely Utonium sisters and the beaus I highly believe would be extremely perfect for them to the ones who are not really that ideal for them.

The Buttercup Ships

My Most Beloved, Esteemed, Exalted OTP of all Time for the Win: Brick x Buttercup (Brickercup)
As I stated before, I have been shipping Brickercup for a great number of years. Quantity-wise, Brickercup is made of resilience, toughness, and perseverance which are their greatest aspects in terms of being in a long-term relationship. They truly deserve each other and their fiery personalities show it with bold, warm, primary colors.

The Pairing I Love: Boomer x Buttercup (Boomercup)
This pairing is really cute in terms of how Buttercup ends up wearing the pants in this relationship and there is a surprising amount of support, understanding, and finding something very sympathetic and strong about each other.

The Pairing I Like: Ace Copular x Buttercup (Acercup)
I used to not care for this pairing after what happened to Buttercup in "Buttercrush". Nowadays, I kind of find it cool that Ace's suaveness can compliment Buttercup's rambunctiousness well if she were to go to the dark side. Other than that, it is a silly crush and nothing more.

Just Friends: Mitch Mitchelson x Buttercup (Mitchercup) and Elmer Sglue x Buttercup (Elmercup)
I always saw Buttercup's relationship with Mitch and Elmer as akin to being a very loyal friend to both of them.

Indifferent Pairing: Buttercup x Princess Morbucks (PrinCup)
I never understood the appeal of this couple. I might as well just keep them as friendly rivals who get on each others' skins on a daily basis.

Disliked Pairing: Johnny Test x Buttercup (Johnnycup)
I think Johnny is just going to be extremely immature around Buttercup and she will not tolerate his antics much longer.

Most Loathed, Accursed, Damned NOTP for Life: Butch x Buttercup (Butchercup)
I hate Butchercup with every fiber, every nano-angstrom, every molecule, and every atom of my being. The Greens fill me up with so much rage, frustration, and wrath that my hair ends up standing on end at how horrifying their Karmic relationship would be. All I can see with Butch's and Buttercup's relationship are boundless stress, unnerving animosity, and indubitable frustration. Ergo, they would only bring bad blood, disgrace, and anger in their short-term relationships and their families should they keep going on like this. All it takes for these two to break it up is for Brick to tap Buttercup's behind and get themselves dressed up for major sporting events and Bubbles to make sweet love to Butch and tame his super strong, super wild behind and get themselves spruced up for any upcoming horror movie or art exhibition.

The Blossom Ships

My Most Beloved, Esteemed, Exalted OTP of all Time for the Win: Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer)
I am more than euphoric to sing Blossoomer praises because of how genuine, appreciative, pure, beautiful, brilliant, and radiant this couple is which has the foundation based on loyalty, unconditional love, and compassion to the nines. Quality-wise, Boomer and Blossom as a couple have so much purity, unconditional love, and beauty that it is so difficult to turn away from something that is utterly meaningful and precious in my eyes. I continue to be in utter awe of how magnificently well their personalities match and how much they can be able to help each other in their trials. Boomer can be able to see that Blossom may have a perfect veneer but her insecurities, anxieties, and doubts make her all the more relatable and he will always remind her that she is beautiful and great for who she is and not what other people think of her. Meanwhile, Blossom can realize that Boomer is not just physically strong but absolutely loyal, emphatic, kind-hearted, and gracious. It is no wonder why Blossoomer stands tall and proud as my most favorite RuffPuff couple of all time.

The Pairing I Love: Butch x Blossom (Blossutch)
My days of shipping Blossutch as my OTP may be completely and utterly numbered, but the goodness I can still see from this pairing says a lot in volumes. They can prove themselves to be extremely formidable fighters with Butch's muscles and Blossom's accuracy, thus winning every single time, and can have a superbly precious bond as confidants. Therefore, they can be able to listen to each other so well and realize that they are awesome just the way they are.

The Pairing I Like: Aku x Blossom (AkuBloss)
I have to hand it to amazing artists such as teacupballerina for getting me sucked into this particular pairing. Sure, Aku may pass off as Blossom's evil grandfather who is pretty much like the Slade to her Robin, Raven or, most of all, Terra but the amount of fan art has convinced me to be intrigued by this offbeat crossover pairing. Am I going to find myself a hardcore shipper of this in the future? No, but I am rather intrigued by the concept of Aku being this haunting, creepy yet hammy grandfather figure who sees a lot of potential in Blossom as his apprentice.

Just Friends: Harry Pitt x Blossom (Harrossom) and Blossom x Princess Morbucks (PrinBloss)
With the former case, I really mean it mostly because the hardcore Blossoomer and HarJul shipper in me cannot go wrong with Harry and Blossom being supportive of each others' relationships, thus giving each other the tools they need to have chats on how things have been going in their respective relationships.

As for Blossom with Princess Morbucks, it is more of a friendly rivalry akin to two sisters bickering at each other with Blossom being the prim and proper, intelligent, articulate, popular older sister figure to Princess Morbucks' mouthy, Machiavellian, materialistic, whiny younger sister. It is as if the Moor brothers from Schiller's Die Räuber or The Robbers in English were to fuse with the Williams sisters from the Tekken series because of the long line of sibling rivalry they have which goes on a cosmic level. Moreover, where my headcanon is concerned, Blossom is straight and happily married to Boomer with twenty-four children much like her sisters and their respective husbands and Princess Morbucks is bisexual but she is happily married to Jack Spicer with twelve children. Even in their adult years, Blossom and Princess would still have this sister-like rivalry towards each other.

Indifferent Pairing: Dexter x Blossom (DexBloss)
I never really cared for Dexter and Blossom as a couple mostly because the whole reasoning that these two redheads are geniuses does not cut it for me. I just see Dexter and Blossom as really great friends with similar interests and allies who can help each other very well. On top of that, aside from me being the most loyal Blossoomer shipper ever, I happen to be an extremely devout Dexter x Olga or Dexter x Lalavava shipper mostly because there is a lot more flavor, spice, and dimension to be found in DexOlga and Blossoomer. DexOlga's brand of spice, boldness, and hints of sweetness is kind of a nice compliment to Blossoomer's herbal, soothing flavors with a hint of honey.

Disliked Pairing: Brick x Blossom (Blossick)
I do not need to further reiterate how overrated this particular RuffPuff couple is. When one cuts down to the bone, their egos are going to destroy each other and their relationship. There are better pairings for these two red-haired, red-clad, accessory-wearing big siblings, and that is coming from someone who is the most hardcore Brickercup and Blossoomer shipper ever. Ergo, I am really, really sick and tired of Blossick. Romantically they can never function but a competitive friendship between Brick and Blossom would be fine.

Most Loathed, Accursed, Damned NOTP for Life: Mojo Jojo x Blossom (Mojossom)
As if Mojo Jojo wants to tap Blossom's butt. He is obviously the last creature to ever want a relationship with someone. Let us just say that this super-intelligent, super hammy chimp would be more than happy to maintain his bachelor years and fantastic schemes while Blossom is more than happy to be with Boomer who is the bedrock of her life.

The Bubbles Ships

My Most Beloved, Esteemed, Exalted OTP of all Time for the Win: Butch x Bubbles (Butchubbles)
Butchubbles is by far the most comforting, soothing, and lilting of my most beloved OTPs of all time. There is something absolutely amazing about Butch using his strength, toughness, and roughness to defend Bubbles from all forms of pernicious harm and Bubbles using her kindness, lovability, and sweetness to soften Butch's heart and remind him that there is a lot more to life than just punching bags, being Brick's lapdog/favorite brother in the whole world, and using his muscles to pound his enemies. The synergy found in Butchubbles is simply amazing because of how much they can be able to see so much goodness and awesomeness in each other with Butch loving Bubbles for her kindness, ability to forgive, and attentiveness and Bubbles admiring Butch for his bravery, strength, and ability to go head-on to any battle and even rescuing Bubbles from every diabolical monster.

The Pairing I Love: Brick x Bubbles (Brickubbles)
If this were another universe, I would ship Brick and Bubbles together and be happy for that. However, Brick's and Bubbles' relationship would end up functioning as a first crush scenario graduating up to a High School scenario with Brick the well-rounded jock dating Bubbles the preppy cheerleader. This is also a nice example of Brick helping Bubbles be a whole lot more assertive and building up her confidence and Bubbles doing her part and helping Brick be a lot more compassionate, kinder, and more appreciative. That way, they can appreciate each other for what they have done to each others' lives and never go back to bad habits. At least, I can take comfort in just how close Brick and Bubbles are as friends and the staunchest of in-laws.

The Pairing I Like: Bubbles x Robin Snyder (Robbles)
Given how Bubbles was enthusiastic to greet Robin in "Superfriends", I guess it will not surprise me to see a sort of lesbian/bisexual relationship with these two. They could definitely do each other good and even have a surprisingly firm relationship. However, when all is said and done, I prefer them as best friends with Bubbles being completely supportive of Robin's and Mike's relationship.

Just Friends: Mike Believe x Bubbles (Bubblike)
Speaking of Mike, Bubbles will be that one person who is going to be the Cupid in his and Robin's romantic life. She will be the one to call all of the shots when it comes to their get-togethers, dates, and maybe even their wedding with her darling Butchie taking care of the heavy-duty jobs. When all is said and done, Mike and Robin would be very grateful to Butch and Bubbles for everything they have done to make their evenings and overall relationship be as wonderful as it is.

Indifferent Pairings: Snake Ingleberry x Bubbles (Snakeubbles) and Boomer x Bubbles (Boomubbles)
With the former, this couple did not really grow on me, though the fan art of Snake and Bubbles together does seem rather adorable. However, I mostly see this as a roguish older brother and jolly little sister type of relationship.

Ranking lower than this is, of course, Boomubbles or The Blues. As I stated before, I used to love these two together because of how stable, sturdy, and firm their relationship seemed to be in comparison to the Reds and the Greens. However, I have grown out of this phase and became utterly drained, sick, and tired of their syrupy, over-sentimental, sickly sweet, lovey-dovey nature. When one cuts down to the bone, Boomubbles is utterly monotonous, bland, and one-note when it comes to flavor. There is no spice, no boldness, and no kick in the Blues' relationship. It is just sweetness, and when one has too much of a good thing such as Boomubbles' brand of sweetness, it couple easily result in illness. In this case, that illness would be diabetes because of how sickly sweet they are together. Clearly, the Blues function much better as best friends. At least, they can do a lot of good in their spouses' lives with Boomer giving Blossom the unconditional love, respect, and compassion she deserves and Bubbles giving Butch the admiration, approval, and kindness he truly needs.

Disliked Pairing: Bubbles x Princess Morbucks (Prinbles)
In spite of their bisexuality, there is no point in these two being in a relationship. Bubbles is much too happy to be by Butch's side and Princess is much too pleased and delighted to have Jack Spicer in her extravagant life. At best, these two can function as friends with benefits who are rather supportive of each other in their relationships. Moreover, Princess could function as a sort of benefactress to Bubbles' romantic date plans especially where her sisters, her close friends, and even Princess are concerned.

Most Accursed, Accursed, Damned NOTP of all Time: HIM x Bubbles (Hibbles)
HIM is just going to abuse the absolute Hell out of Bubbles and will not provide her the genuine, loving, and supportive relationship she solely deserves. There is no future for these two together.

The Bunny Ships

My Most Beloved, Esteemed, Exalted OTP of all Time for the Win: Mitch Mitchelson x Bunny (Bunnitch)
This is the only Normie x PPG couple I am the most passionate about. I really have to thank my great friend and sister from another mother BrickercupMasterX3 for getting me completely invested in this charming, lovable, and dynamic couple consisting of a hard-edged lad and a sweet yet powerful lass. I am also thankful to KatyGorl for the art trade we have accomplished together involving her Bunnitch children and it was such great fun. Mitch may be a normal human being but because he is the adopted brother of Brick, Butch, and Boomer, at least in my headcanon, he would be able to use his strength and combat prowess to protect Bunny. Meanwhile, Bunny would also use her fantastic powers to aid Mitch in fighting crime and protect him from all forms of harm. Mitch and Bunny truly deserve each other and their lives will end up blissfully growing in harmony.

The Pairing I Love: Mike Believe x Bunny (Mikeunny)
This is absolutely lovely and sweet. However, because I am such a hardcore Bunnitch and Robike shipper, this mainly functions as a first crush deal.

The Pairings I Like: Brick x Bunny (Brickunny) and Boomer x Bunny (Boomunny)
Also a first crush scenario but at least it is just as adorable.

Just Friends: Elmer Sglue x Bunny (Elmunny)
Elmer and Bunny would be able to have the firmest and most supportive of friendships towards each other. Hands down.

Indifferent Pairing: Butch x Bunny (Butchunny)
Where this RuffPuff pairing is concerned, this is the least compatible given how vastly different their personalities are. They will not be able to keep up with each other.

Disliked Pairing: Bunny x Princess Morbucks (PrinBun)
I cannot find a great future for these two as a couple.

Most Loathed, Accursed, Damned NOTP of all Time: HIM x Bunny (Himunny)
No way are these two going to get together!

Well, there you have it. Even in spite of everything I say, Brickercup, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, and Bunnitch are still my be all and end all OTPs of all time because they are just far too precious to stay away from. I am also going to do my part and ensure that I keep on creating more Brickercup, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, and Bunnitch fan art as well as bring their children to the mix as the awesomely well-established families that they are. Until then, take care and Happy Holidays, everybody.

The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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