Weekly Bi-Zekely?

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I used to get to do this every week. Relax at the beginning of the week, look through the photos on my phone to reflect on a busy week, recall what I had gotten up to, and discover what I had done that night that went far too late. Time has altered as schedule conspires to have me only get to steem for this every couple weeks.

So, you get twice as much Zeke per square paragraph!



I did so much damn work on so many things you KNOW I got my hands dirty again. Bringing on new opportunity while you try and do all the stuff you did before and then some.....sometimes you have to make a mess to clean one up.



Along the work line, I did get to climb through a haunted tomb of an attic. So I got that going for me....



The work was necessary though so one can afford too many damn blueberries. We are coming to the end of prime berry season and I have enough to earn wifepoints by giving them to other people. Little one made some blueberry muffins from some of the yield of a pleasant hour and a bit on the farm.


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There was some me time as I got back to training jiu jitsu regularly again...kinda. I do need to train more and build back up the hours I spend doing it. So much fun, so cool to learn, healthy as anything and less likelihood I will snap on someone who feels compelled to feed me some bullshit! ;) Another year and another stripe. A black belt is a white belt who never quit.



There wasn't as much sailing as I would prefer but that is returning this week as well. What a break of the weekly routine in such a grand fashion.


I did also get to play a little golf in the most competitive family tourney of the year. I didn't take home the prize this year but broke 100 and had an amazing time.



Of COURSE there was a little beer. Afterall, it is summer, I have a status of Beerologist to uphold, and @detlev & the crew went from fun token to stakable to proof of stake through crowdfunding. I'll drink a nice bold sour to that!



I did wander around a nice town enough to crest 10k @actifit steps and take some big shots. It helps you live in the moment next time when you take a look at some of the neat angles you will see if you just look up from your rut!



There was a good amount of daddying and taxi duty as there was literally 4 baseball games and 2 practices in the last 6 days to end the season. Nothing to complain about though as it is mostly lounging in a camping chair with beer in the waterbottle.


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I am apparently in the pepper business this year. You can check out the garden and pepper box I added this summer here https://steemit.com/gardenjournal2019/@zekepickleman/zeke-s-family-garden-midsummer-progress I am most curious as to how the Ghost Peppers will turn out. Among the hottest on the planet, will these add some serious heat to my hot sauce? Stay tuned.....

Coming Up:



Maybe a little spoiler alert is in order but I have a neat idea to combine art and garden even if you are a hack with pedestrian equipment. I bring the rain soon with something along these lines.



Looking back on this pic brings me back a few months, reminds me I never really finished the story, and will be given the chance to relive this crazy spectacle again at a festival in a couple weeks. Could be some serious fun again.




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