Counter subversive. Part two of the worrywise electric company



After my death they buried me in a machine that had an expiry date of ten thousand years with flashing lights that never turned off.

And then they turned the slave loose and stood back and watched as it ate the world, but the world is an illusion and as much as was ate was made again until the world was covered in fog that ate itself.

After the ten thousand years was up I was set free as a failed experiment.

“Here is your copy of life,” they said and slammed the door on me until I went quite deaf.

I walked away feeling pleased to be away from all that.

As the fog came down I heard a familiar voice say:

“Do we have electric eyes that glow in the dark?”

“Bad Lip,” I exclaimed, not having heard his voice for some time.

“Appreciate a Zorro,” he said and began to slash at the mists with his sword.

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I’d come full circle. It was then I ran for my life and fell into a hole that was a bottomless pit. The silence was broken by my screaming as I fell into the damned place forever.

“Fish in the ground, bird in the sea, give me real bacon and I’ll set you free,” said the voice that belonged to the hand that was shaking me awake.

“What?” I said as I awoke from the stupid dream.

“You were crying in your sleep,” said the voice from out of the pitch black.

I couldn’t remember what I was doing here or where here was.

“Who am I?” I said then in fear for I was completely lost.

“You are the dreamer and I am Bad Lip,” said the voice.

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“Tell me more,” I said hoping to keep the silence away with the sound of his voice.

“Our days are numbered, and though we don’t know how many we have, each day will be a lifetime long and lived without regret for we will do the best we can in the time we have,” he said taking a breath and making a space.

“Keep talking,” I said, in that space.

“The bonds that keep us earthbound are made by our fear and perpetuated by our desire for comfort and the closer we get to breaking free the darker it becomes,” he said, his voice filling the darkness. And then he stopped talking and the silence was back quick as death.

I gasped air into my fear that fed it to breaking point so that when the fog came again it was almost a relief.

“Come back,” said a voice as if I had a choice about anything. I floundered about looking for something, but I didn’t know what, or why I was looking.

Oh what a dark dream I weave as I chase down the rivers of my soul.

“Come back to you,” whispered the moss from the old tree where the looking was not seen.

“Sink into the earth to be whole again,” said the full moon brightly through the tall trees.

“I can take you there,” said the river meandering lazily along in search of the sea that calls it to come home.

I am all of these things, and more, and yet...

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The tide turns, the leaves fall, the sun goes down, and in time I will be no more, for all things made are one day unmade.

I lied to myself it would be otherwise, but I knew from an early age that no matter how good the game is played, when it’s done there’s no going back.

“Life is designed to be known best in the moment,” said Bad Lip appearing from behind me to make me jump in the moment.

“See,” he said, “it’s true.”

I had to say his logic was irrefutable as they say in the movies, but I wasn’t looking for logic, I could buy that from any bookstore for money.

The rock in my path was solid and wouldn’t speak to me, it just lay there unmoving. So I curled myself up beside it and went to sleep; and so ended the first day of the chain-gang grumble.

End of part two

link to part one

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