Macedonia the Great


The last years Greece entered into the realm of a series of Memoranda that in conjunction with a loan agreement were dictating the legislative, most of the administrative and finally some critical aspects of the judicial business of the Greek State which has stopped being fully sovereign since it joined the eurozone anyway, and at the period in question fully sovereign-less.

During this bankruptcy period, indeed all agreements lack legitimacy. Why do the Greek governments then implement them? First of all, because they and the banking system totally are bankrupt. As a result they asked for loans to remain afloat, which no sane negotiator would provide without significant leverage that they would be repaid.

Tones of verbal and written arguments were laid out during those years against the agreed, urging for debt restructuring, because United Nations say so or any other nonsense one may have come up with. Clearly populism not only did not disappear, but was also empowered.

Interim agreement.

Not so long time ago, the two main parties in Greece were enjoying percentages of above 40% each. The reason I mention it is to dismiss any comments about illegitimacy of any agreement signed during that period.

The interim agreement signed with the newborn State allowed the term “Macedonia”. The validation of the agreement also gave the negotiating hand to F.Y.R.O.M. Very few people, if not anyone, in Greece had the courage to publicly disclose this fact. The time since then was in favor of F.Y.R.O.M. which turned to R.O.M. when it felt that it was no longer a former Yugoslavian, but just R.O.M.

I am not into the specifics of that agreement, though everyone is aware that none, including the International Community, can impose to a sovereign State how to handle its domestic affairs. Even if an agreement is signed, it is against the Law, therefore null.

In this specific case, Greece has no leverage over the domestic affairs of R.O.M. and the members of the International Community that may do, are not going to use it in favor of Greece without anything in return. The question is, what Greece has to offer to any strong member of the International Community not already exchanged through the Memoranda process?

What is it all about?

The main players of the nonsensical game unfolding the last days in Greece, are the parties of the political system, the Church which acts also abroad as an independent party, the overlapping with neonazi and fascist groups security forces, the media and financial oligarchy, and last and least the useful next door idiots…

Those who seek to gain nor only political but alternative forms of power are orchestrating their actions looking inwards, still omitting the facts and the already shaped direction of the whole matter. Nor only they do not adjust their public strategy to implement damage control, but they turn the whole debate to a muscle fight, annulling any established political process, effectively abolishing the already degraded Democratic order.

The Communists, who are no different than the other players in this case, again wonder who is gaining from all that, without ever wondering who is losing, just reiterating the one size fits all assessment.

In any case if anyone was observing for long time the way each player moves domestically in relation to the neighboring & International powers, has a clear view of what’s going on.

The barking “patriots” are those who are also serving those they conceive as natural allies in an effort to achieve support to take government and hold onto it for as long as possible. The secret services which have for years infiltrated and eroded the critical structures of the Greek State are in full play.

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