Bullfight Before Born One Private University


Place Test of Power Bull at Jabal University Ghafur

This is a historical story before the birth of a private university that now the name of the University is Jabal Ghafur University in Aceh Pidie, Indonesia.

As a student at Jabal Ghafur University, knowing only about Jabal Ghafur is limited to: the history of the founding of the campus, who its founder, and several other events that have occurred to this day. However, we do not know how Jabal Ghafur before the land where the establishment of the university, whose establishment was initiated by Pidie regency.

Formerly the place (Gle Gapui) is famous for its "peupok keubeu", which, when translated into Indonesian: buffalo race.

Peupok keubeu very interested by the community around Jabal Ghafur, there are even spectators who come from all over Pidie, just to watch the game.

According to Yusri, a resident of Gampong Melayu, a peupok keubeu is held once a week, exactly on Saturday afternoon, at around 16:00 pm (after ashar) until 17:30 WIB (before sunset).

The game's location is in Gle Gapui. Now, the place that used to be a peupok keubeu location has become a soccer and oil palm field in the Jabal University Ghafur complex.

"This event is not made to play gambling, but only to enlarge the necks of buffalo and buffalo bodies. Though pitted to the point of serious injury, it's okay, because when they heal, their neck will be big. Will grow muscles that can produce more meat. At the time of day meugang, buffalo price is expensive seen from the big or not the neck, "said Yusri, end of December 2015 ago.

Muhammad Badeh, 70 years old, whom I met in early January 2016, said, acarapeupok keubeu, first held in Gle Gapui, in the early days when the DI / TII war ended. At that time, Unigha was not yet established.

"Starting from the invitations of citizens of the village of Burok. When first held, there are four to six buffalo. Then increase over time, up to 20 individuals per event, "he said.

The event peupok keubeu, recalled Muhammad Badeh, beginning with the delivery of speeches from the chairman of the committee, named Apayek Raman. Badeh mimicked Apayek Raman's words, which he usually pronounced before the endless peupok event, "Hoka droneuh mandum that ka troh knoe like place nyoe, neuba keubeu for neupeupok keuno. Uroe nyoe defender until neutral cycin-sikin. Beuneupeu idin, sometimes meupat nasalah. "

After the greeting was delivered, the committee called the two buffalo owners to enter the buffalo into the arena.

Enter the buffalo then. The audience stood around the ring. Some even climbed up the tree that was there, so they could see the buffalo fight from above. The roar of the audience was heard as soon as the buffalo entered the arena.

Buffalo meet, face to face. Then their nose straps are removed. The audience was silent, waiting for the two buffalo crashing their heads and horns. When the buffalo hit the head, then the audience cheered very loudly, "Yes ..."

Then, excitedly they shouted, "Bruuuk ...! hambo ...! "

In one fell swoop, the buffalo spent about five minutes to an hour.

They are separated when they are tired: the two buffaloes have been slow to move or when the genitals are out.

"Released by linking the buffalo rope. It is done by people who are adept and drawn by ten people, from each side of the buffalo. There is also a new buffalo collided, immediately run because it is young or not experienced, "said Muhammad Badeh.

The losing party usually says, "Alah hai meutuwah, kahek kubi umpeunkah, kabrok lhe boh luweu, inoe kaseumale lon."

And on the winner said, "Bereh kah hai meutuwah, hana rugoe kah kubi umpeun."

The worst incident was when the buffalo lost. They ran randomly, causing the audience to falter and bike or broken motorcycle stepped on the buffalo.

"But the buffalo do not step on humans. If anybody falls, the buffaloes usually step over them, "Badeh said again.






Peupok Keubeu di Jabal Ghafur

Sebagai mahasiswa di Universitas Jabal Ghafur, hanya mengetahui tentang Jabal Ghafur sebatas pada: sejarah berdirinya kampus itu, siapa pendirinya, dan beberapa kejadian lain yang terjadi hingga hari ini. Tetapi, kita tidak mengetahui bagaimana Jabal Ghafur sebelum dijadikan lahan tempat berdirinya universitas, yang pendiriannya diinisiasi oleh Pemkab Pidie itu.

Dulunya tempat itu (Gle Gapui) terkenal dengan permaian “peupok keubeu”, yang bila diartikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia: adu kerbau.

Peupok keubeu sangat diminati oleh masyarakat di sekitar Jabal Ghafur, bahkan ada penonton yang datang dari seantero Pidie, hanya untuk menonton permaian tersebut.

Menurut Yusri, warga Gampong Melayu, peupok keubeu diadakan seminggu sekali, tepatnya pada Sabtu sore, sekitar pukul 16:00 WIB (selepas ashar) hingga pukul 17:30 WIB (sebelum magrib).

Lokasi permainan itu di Gle Gapui. Kini, tempat yang dulunya menjadi lokasi peupok keubeu telah menjadi lapangan sepak bola dan lahan kelapa sawit di kompleks Universitas Jabal Ghafur.

“Acara ini dibuat bukanlah untuk bermain judi, tetapi hanya untuk memperbesar leher-leher kerbau dan badan kerbau. Walaupun diadu sampai luka parah, tak apa-apa, karena saat mereka sembuh, lehernya akan besar. Akan tumbuh otot-otot yang bisa menghasilkan daging-daging yang lebih banyak. Pada saat hari meugang, harga kerbau mahal dilihat dari besar atau tidaknya lehernya,” kata Yusri, akhir Desember 2015 lalu.

Muhammad Badeh, 70 tahun, yang saya jumpai pada awal januari 2016 lalu, mengatakan, acarapeupok keubeu, mula-mula digelar di Gle Gapui, pada masa awal-awal ketika perang DI/TII berakhir. Saat itu, Unigha belum berdiri.

“Berawal dari ajakan-ajakan warga gampong Burok. Saat pertama kali diadakan, ada empat sampai enam ekor kerbau. Lalu bertambah seiiring waktu, sampai 20 ekor per acara,” kata dia.

Acara peupok keubeu, kenang Muhammad Badeh, diawali dengan penyampaian kata-kata sambutan dari ketua panitia, yang bernama Apayek Raman. Badeh menirukan ucapan Apayek Raman, yang biasanya diucapkan pria itu sebelum acara peupok keubeuberlangsung, “Hoka droneuh mandum yang ka troh knoe bak tempat nyoe, neuba keubeu untuk neupeupok keuno. Uroe nyoe bek sampe neusut sikin-sikin. Beuneupeu idin, kadang meupat nasalah.”

Setelah kata sambutan disampaikan, panitia memanggil kedua pemilik kerbau untuk memasukkan kerbaunya ke gelanggang.

Masuklah kedua kerbau itu kemudian. Penonton berdiri melingkari gelanggang. Bahkan ada yang memanjat pohon yang ada di sana, agar mereka bisa melihat adu kerbau itu dari atas. Suara bergemuruh penonton terdengar begitu kerbau masuk gelanggang.

Kerbau dipertemukan, bertatap muka. Lalu tali hidung mereka dilepas. Penonton terdiam, menunggu kedua kerbau menabrakkan kepala dan tanduk mereka. Pada saat kerbau menabrakkan kepala, barulah penonton bersorak sangat keras, “Ya…”

Lalu, dengan bersemangat mereka meneriakkan,“Bruuuk…! hambo…!”

Dalam sekali adu, kedua kerbau menghabiskan waktu sekitar lima menit hingga satu jam.

Mereka dipisahkan saat sudah lelah: kedua kerbau tersebut telah lamban bergerak atau saat kelaminnya sudah keluar.

“Dilepaskan dengan cara mengaitkan tali kerbau. Itu dilakukan oleh orang yang mahir dan ditarik oleh sepuluh orang, dari masing-masing pihak kerbau. Ada juga kerbau yang baru bertabrakan, langsung lari karena masih muda atau belum berpengalaman,” kata Muhammad Badeh.

Pihak yang kalah biasanya berkata, “Alah hai meutuwah, kahek kubi umpeunkah, kabrok lhe boh luweu, inoe kaseumale lon.”

Dan di pihak yang menang berkata, “Bereh kah hai meutuwah, hana rugoe kah kubi umpeun.”

Kejadian yang paling buruk adalah saat kerbau kalah. Mereka lari asal-asalan, sehingga membuat penonton kocar-kacir dan sepeda atau sepeda motor rusak diinjak kerbau.

“Tapi kerbau tak menginjak manusia. Jika ada orang yang jatuh, kerbau-kerbau itu biasanya melangkahi mereka,” ujar Badeh lagi.

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