London: A Shithole of hateful Freaks… Why the world should ignore rabid anti-Trump protests…

London: A Shithole of hateful Freaks…
Why the world should ignore rabid anti-Trump protests…


Greetings Patriots of the world.

Firstly, lets be clear: London is full of decent people, and much of what goes on there is not their fault and they have no truck with it. The Shithole we are exploring here is the one of rabid far-left globalist hate, and those who shout it do not speak for the British People. However, because of the London tube system, it is always easy for extremists to gather in large numbers and try to set the narrative, especially when aided and abetted by Globalist haters in the fake news media, and rabble rousing hate mongering politicians.

For the second time in just under a year, President Donald Trump is due to visit the UK, and once again the professional haters have whipped up a crowd to pour out their mindless hate at him.

London has become a city apart in the UK. Apart from the communist frauds of the Scottish National Party’s grip on Scotland, it is the ONLY area with a majority for Remaining in the European Union: the rest of Britain is patriotic and desires the Freedom of self-government and the prosperity business TRULY open to the world brings.

But London hasn’t got this way by accident. In a similar way to most coastal cities in the USA, but as an even more extreme example, London has been targeted by globalists for several decades, who have used social engineering to create permanent fiefdoms of Identity politics divisions, attacking the unifying vision of Britishness and creating the grievances of race and sexual identities, all convinced they are being persecuted and repressed. These cliques of identity privilege turn against each other and fight like rats in sacks for the most part, to gain top “victim status” and thus the most power in the globalist plantation system.

At the same time, thanks to the relentless legal AND illegal mass immigration of the last few years, especially since the turn of the century, White Britons are now the minority in the capital city and more people who were born abroad are now living in London as a percentage of population than any other city in the world. This has imported enclaves of the worlds prejudices, including anti-Americanism, while also devolving London into a hell of criminal foreign gangs and knife-crime.

Just like the rabid hate of US Democrats, so in the UK these groups have become ever more extreme. In the cynicism of pursuing power at any cost, left wing parties like Labour, the Greens and Liberal Democrats have pandered to Islamic minorities, on account of being ten times more numerous than Jewish minorities, and have brought rampant anti-Semitism back to our shores, pandering one groups prejudices by going along with indulging them, in return for block votes for that party. Jews and their businesses are being targeted and driven out of communities, endorsed by the racist left, while Labour MP’s like Hackney MP Diane Abbot routinely are racist to indigenous brits, protected by impossibly huge parliamentary majorities of over 60,000. Others, like Tottenham MP David Lammy, use any and all opportunities to play hard done by based on skin colour.

Against this background of intersectional hatred, the Fake News Media, BBC, Sky News, Channel 4, and the left wing Guardian and Independent newspapers, hate anything that threatens to disrupt the power and control of national narrative this system of weaponised grievances has given them. Their bigoted loathing of ordinary British People looking to restore and reform our nation spills out time and time again, from naked anti-Brexit bias in all TV and radio output, to News Presenters like Channel 4’s Jon Snow being openly racist towards pro-Brexit demonstrators.

Therefore, the British Establishment, long corrupted by the wealth and unassailable privilege they have gained since Britain was defrauded into the Plutocratic Socialism of the EU, see the ENTIRE of the ordinary British people as “deplorables”, just like the loathsome criminal Hillary Clinton viewed the American people.

That is not to say correction is not underway, but since his election in 2016, every possible scorn and hatred has been poured on President Trump in the British media, repeated across the EU. They know #MAGA and #BREXIT will bring them and their hate fuelled privilege down, and they have demonised him unrelentingly at every opportunity.

The patriotic British people, who are sickened and aghast at the displays of fascist intolerance and loathing from the globalists and people brainwashed with their propaganda, stand with all patriotic Americans, who love their country and traditional values of decency, fairness, tolerance and freedom.

Far-left communists like Labours Deputy Leader John McDonnel hysterically claim a vote for anyone other than them is a gateway to the “far right” and have now demonised a vast swathe of their own prior electorate as “fascist racists” just for finding Labour's extremism unelectable. This is echoed by Marxist Teachers and Lecturers, who hate democracy and have eternal lust for the dictatorship of a foreign empire, and they weaponize their radicalism by gaslighting the young through the education system.

Another prime example is current Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary, Emily Thornberry. She was sacked from the front bench of previous leader Ed Miliband for anti-english racism, and has swelled her bank-balance swindling the public purse for outrageous expenses, becoming a millionaire from exploiting the sale of social housing. Then the Communist disgrace, current Labour party leader and colluder with terrorists Jeremy Corbyn, let her back in to sneer at the nation all over again from the protection of the privilege of office, to fawning praise from the globalist media. Now she calls for 1000’s of people to join her in Trafalgar square to pour their hatred onto the President of the Free world: while claiming it is she, and her grasping loathsome bigoted elitist ilk, who are standing up for British Values: she does NOT!

Insidious under-miners of those British Values of Freedom and Tolerance, like current London Mayor Sadiq Khan, pour scorn on all who simply want to run their own country, represses civil freedoms in the capital, and especially hates President Trump for his measures to protect America from Islamic Extremists entering the USA to undermine her values and harm her people. But do bear in mind: most of Britain did not get a vote for London Mayor, would never vote for a hateful man like Khan, and he only won on a narrow victory with a low turn-out! HE DOES NOT AND WILL NEVER SPEAK FOR THE BRITISH PEOPLE!

When the naïve trust their educators and absorb this poisonous mindset of these globalist agents and their toxic divisive ideologies, they truly believe they are doing the right thing, as they are manipulated to stand against the restoration of freedom and democracy. The new fascist brownshirts are those deploying the hashtag #FBPE (follow back pro-EU) and similar tags, an army of incoherent resentment unequipped to realise how much they have been manipulated into becoming the foot soldiers of hate.

THESE, and ONLY these, are the people the world will see on Television screens and print media, pouring out their hate for President Trump over the 3 days of his visit. They will bring London to a standstill, and force ordinary people to suffer severe disruption to their everyday lives trying to earn a living for their families, while the vast cost of the policing required to control these maniacs is a constant drain on the public purse.

Ordinary Britons know full well President Trump is a patriot, who is truly Making America Great Again, and frankly, we would love to have him as OUR Prime Minister, sorting the poison of the globalist totalitarians out: but alas, we know there is only one of him, and we will resolve these issues in our own society to Make Britain Great Again too.

The wise truly know, Patriots have no skin colour, and it is the unity of national identity and culture that creates the basis of free society and prosperity for all.

The democratic correction of Brexit was just the start, and the betrayal of soon ex Prime Minister Theresa “Treason” May has not helped, but now new parties are rising, especially the Brexit Party led by super patriot and staunch ally Nigel Farage, which will sweep the old establishment away and replace it. This will create a true British Reformation, and punish the entitled elite who thought they could brainwash their way out of their rejection of Brexit, the largest democratic vote for anything, ever, in the whole of British history.

We know President Trump is on our side, we are on his, and the side of our beloved allies in the American people.

While these dysfunctional freaks will prove the adage, haters gotta hate, we remember the true purpose of the Presidents visit:

Commemorating the enormous sacrifice to defeat European Fascism, as marked by the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings! Our hearts fill with emotion to contemplate the courage and sacrifice of our collective forebears.

But we are also aware, President Trump is involved in his own epic struggle to take down the corruption of this same Cabal, the Globalist Deep State, inside America, and look forward to anything he might have to say about a certain scandal called #Spygate (see briefing here )

Whatever the challenges, patriotic Britons see through the lies and spin of the fake news and its hateful minions, and will never stop supporting America, and free society all across the world.

Know that THIS is the truth of Britain’s deep and abiding love for America, and especially for her current and sure to be re-elected President, Donald J Trump, who will undoubtedly be entered into history as one of the greatest Presidents and Leaders that the Free World has ever known, as he demonstrates the meaning, every day, of “Promises made, Promises kept”.

Say it loud and say it clear!
Donald Trump is welcome here!

Where We Go One We Go All

John The White

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