How to stake Potcoins for the full 5% annual interest #POTCOIN

 I figured out a trick to staking with Potcoin. Not sure if this is how it works for all POS staking coins. When you have the wallet open and staking with your computer you will notice that the coins go into staking mode and when you receive a daily interest payment the coins then come out of staking and need to confirm 260 blocks before the coins are mature and available for staking again. 


 What you need to do next is watch and wait for the coins to go back into staking mode (the icon on the bottom right of the wallet turns green) you have to catch it in this mode while the coins in the wallet are still in the available coins part of the wallet and no coins say they are staking but the green icon on the bottom right came on saying the coins are being staked. 


next step once you catch it like that exactly , all you need to do is just close the wallet , just hit the X button and close out the wallet and you will get the full 5% annual interest payment paid out daily. Test it out for a few days , wait 48 hours and then turn your wallet back on and you will see once the wallet syncs up with the bockchain you will get your payment and when you do the math you should be getting about 5 potcoins per day in interst which is 1850 potcoins for the year equaling 5%. Now repeat the process to put it back in the maximum staking mode after you prove this method is working for you. This way works for me so let me know if it works for you as well. 

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