Oh Dear Potcoin, What Have You Done?

Well now June is over, in retrospect it seems like June 2017 was one of the more-memorable months in cryptocurrencies; for all the wrong reasons.

Potcoin's sponsorship of Dennis Rodman's trip to North Korea.

Being a Brit, I don't know a lot about Tall-Man-Bouncy-Ball, I find it mildly more entertaining than Robot-Rugby but can't make much sense of either. I do know that this fella was once rather good at handling balls and has now taken to fondling the balls of a tyrannical adult-baby named Kim Jong Un.

Our pudgy little fucker seems to enjoy the company of Rodman when he's not mortaring relatives or feeding people to dogs. It's an odd bromance, but they make it work.

Enter Potcoin


I like weed as much as the next guy, but you probably shouldn't make important decisions when blazed out of your god-damn- mind. Important decisions like who you want as your company's representative.

Now for most of us, our cannabis-infused fuck-ups include things like putting the Cornflakes in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard. They generally don't include paying a professional fuckwit to meet a despotic, dwarven dictator for bouncy -ball practice sending the value of your crypto through the floor. But we all make mistakes don't we?

It makes even less-sense when you consider Potcoin's user-base, generally composed of hippies who might take a dislike to brutal dictators.

I don't claim to be a marketing genius and my photo editing skills are a bit shite, but I feel I can do better!

Instead of sending the ball-handling-enthusiast to meet the tubby tyrant, you could pay me the $2.5 million. If you're reading this I think I have a good idea of the kind of brand image you're going for and would like to contribute some ideas.


Here we see the often misunderstood vegan, animal-lover and watercolour artist Mr. A. Hitler. He's taller than Kim and not as rotund, I feel his veganism will play well with the liberal Californian dispensaries crowd. You may have to conduct some market research on that as I hear he was involved in a spot of naughtiness that may have tarnished his legacy somewhat.


Pol Pot is definitely one of the most photogenic mass-murderers. Look at the cheeky little minx, he knew how to smile.

These are just two I mocked up in 10 minutes, let me know if you need any more ideas.

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