Pot has been in the human system since time itself, police are 500 years old, they wont win and thats what its about not winning the war on drugs or terror, its about creating a profiteering market of pure capital at the expense of the slave or worker. Soon Pot will become legal as many governments are trying to find find new revenues sources as of course, un-renewables such as gas and coal have no long term benefit other then to enrich the few and to use the police as their protective racket and tool of violence, but you may ask me what has me smoking a joint have to do with fighting the war on terror, well basically, pot was not made illegal because of its illicit use of getting "high" it was outlawed because it grew naturally in everyones backyard. Now the government wants to sell you taxed regulated weed, well its a little too late for the kyoto protocol as this demand set standards by 2008 that where not met, thus imposing a climate doom on the world, which has been kept out of the media attention as destroying the entire system is not on the agenda of those in power, their agenda is a form of control and coercion into absolute domination of submission through security and safety. or what seems the eroding of our rights liberties and freedoms. Our very existence has been doomed irreversibly and we cannot undo the damage which has taken place, but in saying this, understand the true needs of a future new world, a world free of borders and violence a world unified in both cultures and religious differences. one who is curious at the unknown willing to embrace not only change but to endure the tolerance of our infancy of species and planet which in my scientific opinion is dead. One example of this is loss of habitat of animals and in this example I will give the polar bear, its very habitat is melting away for chinese and russian oil reserves, mean while, the small population of polar bears is trying to use its abilities of survival which is interbreed into very living creature, to protect its species chances of survival, and what has been noticed in animals such as polars bear in which habitat is vanishing is they are breeding in enormous numbers to protect their chances of "survival" Are we expecting this same trait? trying to push ourselves to the limits while we at home have lost our connection with planet and its other inhabitants, and this brings us back to pot, mean while our fascists slave masters are legalising "pot" in our true system which we swore an oath to uphold protect and honor is being swept away to advance the industrial war machine which provides comfort of the enemies of war on terror and the war on drugs. They dont want to win these wars, they just want to keep the trick going and going until you have fallen far enough into it, that everyone is so trapped that we are so dependant and interconnected to the system of slavery that we tend to uphold what little or any freedoms we still have left then to fight off oppression of profiteering based off. Most people don't know we earned liberty with the destruction of hierarchy states of power in europe in the napoleonic eras of revolution or around and world ideologies of world supremacy. This agenda of new world order is breaking oath to your sworn sovereign states and a true world governing body would be embraced by the people not thrust unto it in secrecy then exploited into insurgency of the global state into 1984 double speak intelligence. We too have died. Our last breaths went many years ago when we choose profit over the earth. you think the end will be quick and merciful? no it will be slow and painful and those in "power" will smash our faces into the heal of what their ignorance perceived of humanity and distant futures deem their boot, which my friends is the police who have single handedly destroyed any or all chances of stopping world terrorism on a first world frontier by supplanting the term of crooked cop. I'm not going to blame anyone as we are at as all fault as each other, but the truth is, we are all here together and now is as a good time as any to forgive forget and start working together to bring down tyranny and fascism of the new world order. if any thing I leave you with, is this, People are their own worse enemy and own undoing, remove yourself from negative people and they will surely fall, as these shadows of society feed off your dreams and aspirations because they need to fund an empire into eternity! but cast away that doubt because in all truth, we get what we deserve and anything worth getting is worth getting in time. In time we shall see what prevails longer, animals and earth, or humans who are really the only only ones truly to blame for this small murder suicide of humanity. Its really not our faults is it? because I feel us humans are the true forces of evil here, and only the power of nature can cure this taint and that will come with the destruction of man. Afterwards after man has fallen, earth keeps rotating and in twenty millions years, animals shall inherit the earth.10200853116166031.jpg

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