PoSWallet Review (Piece of Shit Wallet)

At  first, I was very excited to find the PosWallet. Coinomi is a nice  multi-coin wallet. However, they have not yet been approved on the Apple  store. I'm an Apple user, and I found this frustrating. Frustrating to  the point that I went out and bought a Samsung phone, just so I can  download the Coinomi wallet. I searched for other multi-coin wallets,  and found PoSWallet.com. I was impressed by their free faucets, and it  was a good way to get involved in less popular coins for free. I was  impressed with the fact that they made a collection of most of the coins  that offer Proof of Stake (POS). Proof of Stake is when you get small  payments of the coin just for holding it. No need to set up mining  hardware or buy cloud mining contracts. It was an easy way to earn  coins. PoSWallet also served as a wallet to hold some of my coins that  were delisted off of Poloniex. PoSWallet also has an exchange on their  site, where you can exchange coins for other coins and even the PoSW  coin. PIVX became hot and PosWallet had a PIVX wallet. I saw pure genius  in this PoSWallet. A place to gather low volume traded coins. If you  thought any of those coins were not doing good, then you could exchange  for a coin you had more faith in. I imagine ultimately people would have  faith in the PoSW coin, and exchange for that. I certainly did. I  deposited some BTC and started buying some PoSW. The current market  value was around 2000 satoshis. The exchange on PoSW was selling them  for around 2400 satoshis. I was willing to overpay because I had  tremendous faith in the coin. The successful recipe was very evident in  this coin. The PIVX wallet on PoSWallet worked better than the standard  wallet from PIVX. It seemed people were flocking to PoSWallet for the  PIVX wallet, and PoSW saw a peak of 19439 satoshi during this time. 

First  off, I must acknowledge that there is great technical skill to create  the PoSWallet. Managing all those blockchains, staking, and updates,  must be a difficult task. I praise the developers for what they have  accomplished.  It seems reasonable to delist a coin that is so unpopular  that the blockchain activity is nonexistent. PosWallet made the  decision to start delisting some coins, including PIVX. They said they  were receiving complaints that the PIVX stakes were not as good as the  PIVX stakes from PIVX's own wallet. I was forced to download the PIVX  wallet and move my PIVX there. It was a pain in the butt setting up that  wallet. Lots of troubleshooting and watching 'how to' videos. I have  yet to receive any stakes from that PIVX wallet. However, when my PIVX  was on PoSW I was getting stakes. During this time PoSW was dropping in  price. It seemed obvious delisting a hot up and coming coin like PIVX  was a bad move. 

PoSWallet  then sends out a message that they had a bad month recently meaning  they were operating at a loss. They have also stated in their posts that  they are committed and will keep at it during tough times. What do they  do next? They start delisting just about all of their coins. WTF? WHAT  THE FUCKING FUCK! Don't they realize that the main reason people use  your wallet is because you are a multi-coin wallet? A niche that doesn't  have a lot of support. A niche that is really needed. Especially a  wallet that mostly supports Proof of Stake coins. YOUR NAME SAYS  PosWALLET! You advertise as a wallet, then that is what you should be.  It is a pain in the butt to have to shuffle these all these delisted  coins to another wallet or sell them off. Delisting good coins like  Stratis? So apparently, PoSW doesn't want people to keep their coins  there, which seems counter intuitive. People might exchange some of  those coins to PoSW, and give it the support it needs. Below is a  diagram of their roadmap of 2017. End goal for the year was to have 300  coins listed. They have completely trashed their plan. Getting on Apple  is not an easy task, with Apple's tough rules. It's OK, if they don't  accomplish that, we understand.

Below is a quote from their website. 

"In  the first part of this series, we want to touch on where we think  cryptocurrency is going and how it is going to change society over the  next year or so. We are planning 3-4 segments that touch on different  aspects of crypto and how POSW and POSWallet 2.0 will be a part of the  cryptocurrency movement. Some of the posts may be wordy, so bear with  us!

So  where do we see BTC and ETH going this year? BTC will probably touch  $4000 and ETH may see $500. These are pretty important numbers for the  human psyche, and are most likely highs that will be broached in  November or December of this year. The real question is - what will be  driving the surge in price of these assets? The answer is most likely  not "new technology" - the BTC community has not shown strong agreement  on the path it will take for transaction expansion and ETH has its own  challenges with forks and token scaling/acceptance. We think the answer  is a form of globalization - the "everyday person" is going to start  thinking about investing in BTC/ETH (and a few other currencies as well -  LTC and NEM come to mind here) as other markets continue the doldrums  of poor returns. We performed a social experiment in the early days of  POSWallet.com where we asked 50 random people at a large mall if they  knew anybody that owned BTC; only 4% of the people we asked were aware  of people owning BTC, and 0% personally owned BTC. We think this is  going to change drastically over the next 6 months. Before going any  further in this post, we want to reiterate that we are not offering any  form of investment advice - just opinions.

So how does POSW become part of the growth that we think is brewing in the cryptocurrency world? We need to make offer some sort of unique feature, a gimmick perhaps that makes it memorable.  We have some ideas on that (will be covered in later posts); however,  before we get to that point we need to shift our model at PoSWallet.com  to POSWallet 2.0 - focusing on POSW and growing a culture/community  around it (rather than focusing on using POSW as a support token to  access other coins). Part of this refocusing means we are delisting  almost all of the coins - there will be a few more coins flagged for  delisting this weekend - that can be staked at POSWallet.com - at a  minimum we will keep POSW, BTC, and LTC for the short to medium term.  Once the transition to POSWallet 2.0 is complete, we anticipate adding  other coins and wallet features that increase a users ability to  transfer between popular coins (spoiler alert!).

Thanks for reading, more to come soon!

As  a reminder, please continue to withdraw the coins being delisted. If a  coin is under maintenance, we will process withdrawals manually so it  may take several days on wallets with maintenance issues. If you start a  withdrawal and a coin is delisted, we will still process your  withdrawal.

We  finished adding a few more features to the PoSWallet 2.0 Block Explorer  after the initial round of feedback - plan is to launch it on Sunday!

The  POSW Limited Edition Ledger Wallet is now available in the ICO - pick  one up now! There are only 500 available TOTAL. Anyone who buys a ledger  wallet in the next week will get a bonus 500 POSW as well (within a few  days - sorry for the 5k typo!)." 

"We need to make offer some sort of unique feature, a gimmick perhaps that makes it memorable."  You  had the perfect gimmick and now you are ruining it! Actually, it wasn't  a gimmick. It was something people wanted and needed. A niche that  needed to be filled, and now you don't want to fill it. I'm very curious  what their next gimmick will be. I'm holding my PoSW holdings for now. I  really should just dump it and break even. Looking at the volume and  rank today, the future doesn't look promising for PoSW. It really is a  shame, I had so much hope for this coin. I really thought these guys  nailed it. Absorbing the volume of less popular coins into their coin  was pure genius. Seems now they doing it by force with the delisting.  However, IMHO way too early for that. The coin is not popular enough.  The coin could have became more popular if they keep with their vision  of a wallet hosting 300 coins.

Check out my website. Crypto news with a splash of humor.


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