Shenanigans At The Post Office?

So word is that the government is purposefully sabotaging the post office (I mean, in addition to years ago making them pre-fund their pension fund way more than anyone anywhere funds their pension funds in a bid to make them in the red all the time). This time they are purposefully "slowing" mail in order to piss people off and make them want to privatize the post office, so they can charge an arm and a leg like UPS or FedEx does. I'm sorry, but you can't mail a letter for 55 cents with either of those, and don't get me started on package prices with them.

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The point of the USPS isn't to turn a profit, it's to provide a service, especially to those who would not otherwise have access. If you were not aware, the private companies will often do "the last mile" by GIVING IT TO THE POST OFFICE, because they deem it inefficient to have their drivers go out to the countryside. So they deliver to the nearest city and then hand it off.

Anyway, I mailed two packages over a week ago that were due to arrive this past Monday and Tuesday, respectively. Neither have yet. They were both bound for the east coast, but were sent to SEATTLE (ya know, the opposite direction from Denver to the east coast), and are still there. One of their tracking says that it arrived and left the Seattle center THREE TIMES.

If that isn't deliberate fuckery, I don't know what is.

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I know it's just anecdotal, but the interwebs are full of people saying the same. I just had two more ebay sales this week, so we'll see how they do. I hope my customers understand that it's not my fault if shenanigans are afoot.

What I don't understand is, who is doing the fucking up? Surely post office workers, which is a physically demanding but otherwise good job with benefits, don't want to fuck up their own jobs. Are there scabs who got hired? Did somebody fuck up their computers?

Theories abound about how it has to do with the election in November, which may be true, but honestly they've been trying to privatize the post office for years.

Ain't it grand living in a crumbling empire with sparkles thrown about to make it look pretty?

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So how are y'all doing this week, Hive fam? Had any mail take the scenic route lately?

And happy belated Lughnassadh! :)

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