Hilarious moments at my wedding

Weddings are beautiful occasions. A time to celebrate a significant commitment to one's better half. A lot of activities are involved in wedding planning to ensure it turns out perfect but who is to say a few mishaps won't still happen? No matter how much you plan, there is always a loophole but then the videos and the beautiful pictures do not show us these things. Allow me to share some of my hilarious moments with you.


My photographer overslept

As unbelievable as it may sound, it actually happened. Perhaps he was too tired from the long trip to the wedding location or the hotel room was very cozy. The make up artist was done with the makeup before he decided to grace us with his presence. He needed to capture some of the moments when my makeup was being done but since he was late he needed to plead with the makeup artist to act like she was making me up again. You ought to have seen the drama that ensued between them.

Photographer: Kristabel, please can you act like you are making her up again so I can take some pictures.

Kristabel: I'm not doing that. We agreed to start by 5am but you overslept. I sent someone to knock on your door twice but you refused to come out.

Photographer: Please, I promise to send some of the pictures to you.

Kristabel: No need, I have an iPhone and I have taken enough pictures for my IG page.

Oh dear! I had to intervene before the makeup artists agreed to his demand.The last thing I wanted on my wedding morning was unnecessary arguments.

I jumped a fence in this traditional attire


Yes, you definitely read that right. According to my tradition, the bride during her first and second outing must come out from her father's house. The plan initially was to lodge in a hotel, get ready and get to the compound before the event starts. Unfortunately my photographer wanted so many pictures and the driver delayed making me get to the venue late with all guests seated. My father was furious at me. He demanded I grow magical powers to get myself into the house without being seen. Thank God for the low fence at the back of the house. It wasn't funny jumping it fully dressed in my traditional attire.

The heavy and long wedding gown.


Oh my! I wonder how the English women of the 18th century survived in their English ball gowns. I wouldn't know if the wedding gown was the one pulling me or I was pulling it. I almost fell walking down the aisle because it was too heavy and was getting in the way. Don't tell anyone but I didn't even wear my beautiful wedding shoes. There was no need for it since the gown was so long it covered my entire frame. All the while I was in the wedding gown, I was on slippers.🤫

My reception gown got torn.


I guess this was expected to happen since I didn't go for a fitting for the second dress. The first time I ever wore it was the day before the wedding and even though I noticed how tight it felt, time was no friend of mine. I had to wear it that way on the wedding day then the worst happened. It got torn from my armpit down to my wrist. Did anyone notice? I didn't bother myself with it as I slayed in my dress🥰

My husband forgot my voice.


Can you believe that? This is a voice he has heard so many times, yet he forgot. The Master of Ceremony decided to play a voice game. He made me stand behind him along with my ladies and each of us took turns in saying "hello". He was to wave and nod at the sound of my voice but he missed it twice. Although he got it the third time. I later found out he was hinted. I guess the hint was very necessary as the crowd were already rolling with laughter.

As crazy as some of these events may sound, they are part of what made my wedding memorable. Behind the beautiful gown, exquisite make up and lovely smile, is an agitated bride who wishes for everything to go as planned.

All pictures are from my gallery

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