Report #13 on usage of NFT for Peace funds

Report #13.jpg

Hello there!

I am here today to tell you about the great job we have done together thanks to your donations and upvotes. I waited for the final results and photos and looked forward to sharing it with you.❤️


We raised 822.198 HIVE during the reporting period. These funds were transferred to me as Donation #15. I supplemented this amount with payout for my previous report. Together it made up 1094 HIVE!




Since last Hardfork, transfer to and from cryptocurrency exchange were suspended. As soon as the exchange resumed work, I was able to make the transfer and conversion. After all, it amounted to 22,402.71 UAH in total.




Briefly, we helped insert one window in a house that was damaged by shelling in Zaporizhzhia, provided 2 stoves to the heating point in the liberated Lyman, helped deliver 250 food kits to Lyman and bought food for small children there.

Direct work with regional volunteer initiatives allows you to support the most vulnerable people, whose needs may be unnoticed. Now in more details.


This is how the home of a local Ukrainian language teacher looked after the Zaporozhye shelling. It is already quite cold in Ukraine, and the teacher's income is a small pension, so it would take her a lot of time to repair the roof and install windows herself. But thanks to the help of the neighbors and our donations, the window was installed in her house yesterday. Others they closed with plimuth shields. So now they can think about heating.



Lyman, Donets region.

Guys from Kyiv voluntary unit of a territorial community T-2 have humanitarian trips to east of Ukraine every week. They deliver food and medicine to just deliberated villages and towns.


This time, there is a big need in heating equipment. But some have no electricity, no gas, so all they can use is homemade stoves. Now it is not easy to find them at an adequate price, because the demand for them has increased very much. Through acquaintances, I found people who make such stoves from used gas cylinders. It is only 120 km from Kyiv, so I drove and brought them myself.


When I brought strives to the temporary warehouse were guys store all supplies until they go to people, I had an opportunity to see (and show to you) what do they deliver.



These humanitarian sets are made up of incoming foreign aid from Poland, Austria and Germany as well as donations from local businesses. This is how it looks just before departure:


Their commander asked me about two things - to help with fuel and to buy something for kids. He suggested toys always make kids happy or at least smile. And maybe some sweets. Well, he is single and have no kids but I am a mother! What would I buy for kids being their mother? If it is sweets, they must be healthy. So I bought natural energy bars with nuts and dried fruits, juice packs, condensed milk and long-term milk, as well as crackers. And I found 17 soft tiger toys at a significant discount. Our children should be healthy and happy!




However, while I was single-handedly moved the goods from the cart to the trunk of my car, I hurted my back. The next day, I didn't look so smiling. LOL. But these are trifles compared to what people in the east of Ukraine went through. Look at these kids, it was worth it! Even smallest help worth it!


The longer the war lasts, the more people need regular assistance, especially in the newly liberated or front-line territories and in cities affected by the occupiers. Large organizations or international companies are more often ready to work with large funds, which greatly simplifies work and coordination on the part of donors, but thereby distances them to a certain extent from involvement in solving specific problems on the ground.

I am very happy that our Hive community found a niche to do good deeds and help people suffering from military actions and its consequences. Every day make the end of this war closer. Thank you for staying with Ukrainian people!

If you want to contribute, it's easy. Go to and buy some NFT or raise an existing level.

All reports on the project as well as full information and updates can be found by the #NFTFORPEACE tag.

I warmly thank everyone who continues helping ❤️

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