My daddy and his sweetheart


My daddy and his sweetheart

Let me tell you a true life story about my daddy and my mummy ,it is all about how they ended up marrying themselves.
It was a wonderful evening when my daddy called me and my siblings and he told this interesting story about his sweetheart.we could not believe it but love is a beautiful thing.

Dad started by saying:
I remember when I first met Wumi like it was yesterday. It was the first day of my sophomore year of high school. I walked into my English class and saw this cute girl I had never seen before. She had lovely brown hair and pretty brown eyes. I wanted to talk to her right away but was too shy.

A few days later, our teacher put us in groups to work on a project. I hoped I would get put in Wumi’s group...and I did! We started talking about the project and I made her laugh a few times. I loved hearing her sweet laugh. When class was over, I worked up the courage to ask if I could walk with her to her next class. She smiled and said yes.

Over the next few weeks, Wumi and I talked more every day at school. We started eating lunch together too with some of our other friends. But we usually broke off just the two of us to talk one-on-one. I felt happier whenever I was with her. And I think she likes spending time with me too. My friends said we would make a cute couple and that I should ask her to be my girlfriend.

On Wumi’s birthday a couple months later, I bought her a pretty necklace and some flowers. That night, I took her out for a birthday dinner, just the two of us. After we ate, we went for a walk in the park together. As we looked up at the stars, I finally asked Wumi to be my girlfriend. When she said yes, I was so thrilled! I gave her the birthday presents and she loved them. She gave me a big hug and our first kiss. It was the best feeling ever!

Wumi and I continued dating all through the last years of high school. We also both decided to go to college close to our hometown so we could stay together. Over time, I knew in my heart I wanted her to be my future wife. After we graduated from college, I took Wumi out to the same park where we first became boyfriend and girlfriend and asked her to marry me. I was so happy she said yes! The rest is history. Almost 20 years later, Wumi is still my beautiful, sweet wife! And it all started with her walking into my English class when I was 15.

I vividly remember the moment I first saw Wumi during sophomore year of high school. It was a sunny September morning and I had just turned 16 years old. I strolled into my English class, picked an open desk near the windows, and started chatting with my buddy Jeff who sat next to me. A few minutes before the bell rang, I glanced up and noticed an adorable girl with long, wavy brown hair and mesmerizing brown eyes whom I had never seen before walk into class. She had the sweetest smile that made my heart skip a beat. I wondered who the new mystery girl was and why I had not noticed her in my freshman courses last year during those days.

Our teacher Mrs. Tayo soon quieted everyone down and introduced the girl as a new transfer student - her name was Wumi. She pointed Wumi towards an open seat.which happened to be right in front of me! As Wumi walked by my desk, the faint scent of her floral perfume filled my nose and I became even more enthralled. Mrs. Tayo started teaching the day’s lesson but I could barely concentrate. I kept peering over at the back of Wumi’s shiny locks and daydreaming about what it would be like to run my hands through them.

By the end of that first week, I knew I had to make a move to talk to this Wumi girl outside of simply asking her to borrow a pencil here and there. Luckily, the following Monday, Mrs. Tayo assigned us to work in small groups for an English project she was grading. And would not you believe it – Wumi and I ended up in the same four-person group along with Jeff and our friend Lisa! Over the next few weeks, I looked forward to every group work session. Wumi laughed at my jokes and we discovered we had a lot in common like favorite movies and hobbies. My attraction to her strengthened more each day.

By early November, Wumi and I had started eating lunch together most days, just the two of us. We would sit outside under a big oak tree, chatting and giggling for the whole period. My buddies would rob me about how smitten I clearly was. And they were right - I was falling for Wumi hard. So one Friday night, I asked if she wanted to grab pizza and see a movie downtown the next evening. I was ecstatic when she eagerly said yes!

Our first date went fantastically well. The chemistry and affection between us was palpable from that night forward. I asked Wumi to be my girlfriend the day after her 16th birthday the following month and she joyfully accepted. I gave her a gold locket and bouquet of pink tulips which made her cry happy tears. When Wumi leaned in to kiss me for the first time, I practically saw fireworks explode as I held her in my arms. I had never felt as emotionally close to anyone as I did with her.

The next three and a half years flew by in a blissful blur of dances, concerts, parties, holidays, road trips and special moments with my high school sweetheart. Wumi was my entire world and I knew I wanted to marry her someday. Shortly after our college graduation, I brought Wumi back to our favorite park bench overlooking the lake. As the sunset glistened off the water, I professed my enduring love for her by getting down on one knee and presenting a diamond ring while asking her to be my wife. When Wumi exclaimed “Yes!” through her tears, all my dreams had come true. And it was all thanks to fate placing her right in front of me on that unforgettable September morning our sophomore year. She had my heart from day one.

She is truly my sweetheart.

Thank you for reading my post

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