Physical fitness is greatly sought after today, and a lot of people has resorted to many ways to be able to solve that, one crucial way they do that is through workout sessions, but what is a workout some might ask, well workout is a practice or exercise to test or improve one’s fitness for athletic competition, ability, or performance,

How ever this is mostly confused with exercise as people use both of them interchangeably, however this is completely understandable and normal as there might be words that have more than one meaning,well as I found out there is actually a difference between both of them, Workouts are groups of exercises or multiple exercises performed in one training session. For example, a chest workout might include pushups, chest press, chest fly, and incline press. Whereas ,There are two different meanings of the word “exercise,” which is why it can be a particularly confusing term. For example , in our instance of a chest workout ,pushups, chest presses are exercises, a workout is composed of individual exercises, in iteration, an exercise is a specific move in a strength training workout, there are so many types of exercises however ,basically I’ll be focused on one which is running.

RUNNING is a popular form of sports or exercise , when you run at a slower pace it is known as jogging, running is such an appealing exercise given the fact that it can be done at almost anywhere and anytime, and by any able bodied human. Though some people run for fun others run as a form of occupation, but let’s talk about some of the benefits of running as an exercise

Running as an exercise presents participants with many health benefits, Keep reading to see which benefits of running resonate with you and inspire you to lace up your running shoes and hit the road, to start with,

Have you ever ran to catch a up with a cab, a dog , and feel breathless immediately afterwards, that is you breathe heavily , it’s no surprise as your heart worked harder to pump more blood and nutrients along to your working muscles, as time passes with consistency your heart and body adapts to that and this makes your body and heart stronger.
As numerous researches have proven, running places high impact on bones and this leads them to adapt to become stronger they do this by laying down more minerals on the bone structure to strengthen it, and it also increases the production of bone building hormones in the body, to build new and stronger bone cells

Getting outside and pounding the pavement or trail is a great way to diffuse stress and tension. Running can lower the stress hormone, cortisol, which helps you feel more relaxedsource

For me this is the fun part, running is a physical activity that demands for a lot of physical strength and given this metabolically demanding nature, it burns a lot of calories , when it comes to the amount of calories burned per minute, running is an efficient and effective choice, so for those of my friends that want to lose a few pounds, I think you should be thinking of lacing up for some running.

Thinking about what you want to achieve, is a very good and essential way to , know what your workout routine should be like .

Getting fit – if you’re a beginner, you should start with brisk walking, progress to jogging and work up to running. This should take a few months.but it is most assured to bring the desired results in this amount of time

Weight loss – adjust your diet to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, wholegrain cereals and low-fat dairy products. Cut back on dietary fats, takeaway foods, soft drinks and sugar in addition to the selected workout routine.
However it doesn’t just end here this is just a tip of the iceberg of the benefits that are associated with working out, as to how healthy it can be.you can make additional research to be able to make the best decision for your self

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