My daily life; enthralling adventures

My daily life is one that is unpredictable , one that can be fun right now and then go otherwise the next time. But anyways let’s talk about it.

On a casual or normal Monday, my day starts at 5:am daily, where I take the daily text, with my family ,this is another way to say that I and my family look into a particular verse of the Bible, and we draw lessons from them, it’s usually educating and at the same time , disciplining our behaviour ,and mostly those lessons guide our activities within the day, after that I and my siblings help my mum prepare for her business first, we help sweep the place and take out the necessary items out to her,

However, this doesn’t delay our school, we always make it to school on time , and my juniors leave before me every day , as an Ss3 student I funny enough has not made going to school early a priority, though during my junior days ,I was usually among the first students to appear at the school premises, right there at school, a normal school day begins with a morning devotion , and then after leaving the devotion ground, we move to the classes to learn, Nothing interests me than a physics class on a Tuesday morning, my morning caps up around 11: 50 which is the break time for our school.

My afternoon is where the whole story changes , the day gets hot , and I get hungry, and I feel sleepy even during classes, but I can’t just sleep anyhow in the class, to avoid being mocked by my classmates. All u can do is just pray for the dismissal time, I am always the first person to leave after dismissal, one reason being to help out my mom and eat , then so I can reply my comments on threads,

Furthermore , the day gradually gets into the evening, and day now gets really busy for me, cos I have to combine house chores with hive. And this continues into the night, my night starts at anytime depending on the activities for the day, I always sleep in preparation for the next day.

In conclusion, I have learnt to make the best out of any day, no matter what the day is like ,whether good or bad ,I try to see things from a positive perspective.
And I hope you do same

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