FUNDACOVEN Proposal: support foundation for Venezuela people


Vote on proposal:

Below we present our second proposal to the community for the support of our foundation dedicated to the care of people in need in Venezuela.

This proposal brings several changes in the number of funds to request and then use that will have the income according to the analysis of our activity in recent months and demand for some services offered by the foundation.

You can see the previous proposal here as well as registration details of the foundation and more: Proposal Fundacoven


With the arrival of this second proposal, we want to strengthen the development of our activities and strengthen the balance between medical/social work. In this way, we are requesting support of 75 HBD for 3 months for a total of 6750 HBD until the end of the proposal. (This is an estimate. 75 HBD is subtracted for each day the proposal is not accepted).


  • 3250 HBD: Purchase of Medicines and supplies for primary care for people.
  • 2000 HBD: Social and food activities in low-income communities to assist underweight youth and seniors.
  • 500 HBD: Administrative expenses: payment of our office for 6 months, payment of services for 6 months, taxes payments for documentations, material buy.
  • 500 HBD: ADS content and meetings for HIVE talking onboard.
  • 500 HBD: Emergency fund for eventualities, transportation, etc.

Why request more?

Based on the activities performed we can have an average of expenses as well as the overall scope of our project.

In this way, we can increase the amount of support based on a larger investment.

We can reach an average of 22 activities per month with an investment of 2000 HBD, as long as the inflationary rate of the country does not increase and the current prices are maintained.

Some people have sent us medicines from outside the country and we appreciate their support in this regard, however, Venezuela currently has an agreement with several countries to allow the acquisition of medicines at low costs, so you can buy a box of 100 pills of almost any product in just $ 5, as an example, we have losartan, enalapril, captopril, vitamin C, Paracetamol, Amlodipine, Folic Acid, Valproic Acid, among others.

If we have the necessary resources we could help an average of 2000 people assuming that they are given 2 blister packs of the requested medication.

Administrative expenses:

Our foundation has a physical space. It is our home and where we receive people who want to be helped and where we also carry out many administrative activities and meetings with merchants to solicit their support.

This space has a monthly cost of $50 and although it may seem a small amount it is important to remember that in Venezuela this amount represents the salary of at least 3 years of a person earning the base salary. The administrative expenses will be used to alleviate the payment of the same, payment of utilities such as electricity, water, internet, and minor expenses such as refilling ink cartridges, purchase of containers, among others.

ADS and Hive Talking:

Previously we made a small expense in promotion, in fact, it has not been completed and the amount remains in reserve in our account.

This time we want to be a little more professional in this regard and we are requesting more support for this purpose. It should be noted that this is a proposal and the community is free to ask us to invest it in something else if the proposal is completed.

The ads will continue to be published on Instagram for the great reach of this platform at low costs, we will also conduct HIVE workshops with people who want to start in this community and do not know-how.

Emergency Expenses:

In opportunities there are expenses that are not foreseen in the budget, an example of this is the gasoline which has difficult access in the locality due to the oil and import problems that the country is presenting which make us have to get gasoline at a high cost for transportation. Another problem we have observed is the payment of taxes. Although we are a foundation, in the locality there are municipal taxes that must be paid regardless of this.

In addition, we want to have a basis for the future in case we have to find a new space to move our office to. This is due to the fact that the lease contract established a term of 6 months (about to end) and an extension of 6 more months (about to start), which gives us the uncertainty of whether the lessor will continue to provide us with this space or if we will have to make administrative expenses again in renting a new space.

3 month period:

The proposal is scheduled to start on October 5 and will run for 3 months from that day. Anyone who wishes to support us can do so in any way they like.

Community members who vote on the proposal and have comments or wish to change the expenses in some variants can leave their comments and they will be taken into account.

Communication of our progress

  • Updates on the activities carried out.
  • Weekly reports of the activities carried out, the population reached total expenses.
  • Weekly videos of our activities on the 3speak platform.

Our networks:

Join us on Discord:
Follow our blog on Hive: @fundacoven

Summary, previous proposal:

First of all, we want to thank all the people who supported us during these two months of our pilot proposal for the support of the foundation. It has been hard work but we have achieved great changes thanks to your support.

In addition to this, there are several people who have made donations to the foundation for the growth of the same in terms of purchase of medicines and social activities. Thank you very much to all of you.

During the past months of August and September we focused mainly on 3 factors:

  • Purchase of medicines.
  • Social activities in low-income communities.
  • Stake/Power Up for the growth of the HIVE project.

In this way, we give an estimated balance of the number of people helped in our different aid programs as well as the total growth of the account on the platform.

During these two months, we visited 5 different communities where we worked with an average total of 250 children, in this way we carried out activities where we delivered breakfasts and lunches depending on the community. We also visited health care centers where we gave snacks to an average of 20 people on different occasions.

During these two months, our main priority was to attend to those who most needed medical attention, as could be seen in our different publications.

In this way, we attended more than 150 people and delivered approximately 396 medicines, including blister packs of pills, solutions, ampoules, surgical material, among others.

The support of this proposal served us as a means to grow our account in the community. The project currently has staking of 1381 HIVE POWER of which 74.5% was thanks to this proposal and 25.5% is represented by the organic growth of our publications.

Administrative and emergency expenses go hand in hand. In this sense, the majority of expenses were destined to:

  • Payment of rent for our office.
  • RIF registration.
  • Payment of the foundation's seal.
  • Payment of publication in the press (administrative requirement of a legal course in Venezuela).
  • Payment of public services.
  • Extra expenses for the purchase of medicines.
  • Minor transportation expenses.

At the promotional level, we used just $20 for the payment on Instagram, having available approximately $55 for future promotions. This promotion gained the visibility of over 16,000 people.

Total usage from last proposal: 94.7%.

We thank all the people who trust in our work and we hope to count on you in this second proposal. (2).gif (1).gif

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