Online shopping gone wrong!

The chronicles of online shopping gone wrong, I vividly remember purchasing something online that has gone wrong due to the issue of "what I ordered vs what I got" There was a time I was skimming through feeds on social media when I came across this online vendor who sells beautiful dresses, from the first post I saw that grabbed my attention, I decided to go check out her page.

My eyes saw a lot of things "fine things" that my mouth couldn't talk out loud, with what my eyes saw and the prices my ears heard, I decided to purchase a dress from her when my sister got home I told her about the dress I ordered online and she was like "this online shopping of clothes is rubbish" immediately I rebuked that statement from contaminating my mind "I didn't say it out loud though".

So I paid for the dress and was told when the dress would be delivered to me at "three days intervals" so I waited patiently and at the same time imagined how the dress would look on me. After three days elapsed my dress was at my doorstep with a dispatch rider, I took it and smiled back into the house.

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With so much excitement I unboxed it and tried it on, stood in front of a mirror, unfortunately, the mirror wasn't meeting up my expectations because the dress looked different from the image I saw online immediately different thoughts started roaming my head "Are my sights disturbing" or "maybe I need glasses to look closely into the mirror" at first I blamed it at the mirror for not giving me the look I wanted, so I had to wait for a real mirror with a clearer sight to come "which is my sister".

When my real mirror came, I tried the dress on again "I wish I had known" The first question that my sister asked was, "Is this the dress you ordered online?" At that moment I couldn't lie because I was pissed so I replied "Yes it is" Then she stood in front of me and started laughing, I couldn't say a word and was just standing still with what I got from my online vendor.

What did I do with that dress? You might be wondering, well, I don't know where that dress is, I can't remember what happened to it and I don't even want to remember because anytime I do, I would feel like going to fight that vendor for giving what I didn't order for.

"Have I learned my lesson?" Well, I would say I have but not really to one hundred percent though because I've been ordering clothes online after that event and the clothes I've been getting are exactly what I ordered for not the other way round or you can say "I've been getting exactly what I've been ordering.

This is my entry to the #inleo monthly prompt day 16 in collaboration with the clean planet community which is organized by @nwothini335, you can be a part of the prompt by clicking on the Link .

Thanks for reading🌹

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