how to teach young people and children not to fall into social pressures

How to deal with social pressures.

Both young people and children are pressured by friends to act against their will. But the education and guidance they receive at home is what will help them to defend themselves in society, to make good and correct decisions.


What is social pressure?

Social pressure usually occurs at school age and even at university, and this occurs when groups of friends, made up of young people and children of the same age, who share the same activities, begin to exert both a negative and a positive influence on the lives of these young people and children.

Social groups within schools that are generally led by the most "POPULAR", not only seen in movies, but also in real life, and usually these leaders are harmful people.

What kind of pressures can a child experience as a young person?



Social pressure leads children and young people to adopt negative behaviors in the way they dress, act, or speak and even to actions such as smoking, drinking, and stealing. Some do it to be accepted in groups, others out of fear.

At home young people and children need to be taught certain tools so that they can defend themselves against social pressure.

All life revolves around groups of friends, when you are young or children are many temptations that come in the day, for the same reason is very common that these groups plan to perform acts that go against society and values. Other examples of these acts:

  • LYING.
    These acts are in most cases performed by pressure from friends, and children are not educated to learn to say NO, THEY CAN BE PRESSED TO DO MORE SERIOUS ACTS.

Keys to help children and young people not to fall into social pressure:

We are all pressured by our social circles to perform acts against our will, from the most adult to the smallest. It is for this reason that we must teach our children and young people so that they know how to say no when they know something is wrong.

Keys for children and young people to reject social pressure:

  • Forms children and young people, with a high self-esteem and confidence, so that they have no need to feel accepted by others.

  • Teach him from infancy
    to live under the values of life, to talk to them about good and bad things. Explain to them about friendship and tell them that true friends help you and don't force you to do anything wrong.

  • To give them the necessary confidence so that they can express their doubts and fears.

"We are the result of what we do repeatedly. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit" (ARISTOTELES)

Source of information:





Until the next opportunity , teacher Yessica Cedeño.

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