Tasty Structures: How I got 19 wins in Mythic with less than 50$

" " \" \" \\" \\" \\\" \\\" \\\\" \\\\"B1.png\\\\"\\\\"\\\"\\\"\\"\\"\"\"""

Hello players of Gods Unchained! It is I, Yeetmaster, and I am back for another post. This time, I have decided to write a more in-depth guide to Structure Magic, as I have played over 100 games since I wrote my deck-showcase, and also managed to hit 19 wins this weekend's ranked. If you are not familiar with the basics of the deck, I would recommend that you check out my other post here.

" " \" \" \\" \\" \\\"GU rewards.PNG\\\"\\"\\"\"\""" " " \" \" \\" \\"MY DECK.PNG\\"\\"\"\"""

" " \" \" \\" \\" \\\" \\\" \\\\" \\\\"B1.png\\\\"\\\\"\\\"\\\"\\"\\"\"\"""

General tips & tricks

The Wombo-Combo: Abselutely devastating. Game winner most of the time, and no possible counter play to this.

" " \" \" \\"wombo combo png.png\\"\"\"""

" " \" \" \\"wombo op combo.PNG\\"\"\""" And yes, before you ask whether it mattered:

" " \" \" \\"moments later wombo combo.PNG\\"\"\"""

" " \" \" \\" \\" \\\" \\\" \\\\" \\\\"B1.png\\\\"\\\\"\\\"\\\"\\"\\"\"\""" The Combo-Bombo: Self-explanatory.

" " \" \" \\"bombo combo.png\\"\"\"""

Snowstorm Spire as a tech: It blocks the hero power of War! Use this to bully them.

" " \" \" \\"why protector op.PNG\\"\"\""" " " \" \" \\" \\" \\\" \\\" \\\\" \\\\"B1.png\\\\"\\\\"\\\"\\\"\\"\\"\"\"""


I have summarized the statistical analysis of my weekend’s ranked in the two following figures: Figure one shows you what decks I played against in my run, and there are a couple of interesting things to note. Firstly, I played almost HALF of my games against nature, which is quite a good matchup for this deck. Secondly, there was relatively little War faced, as the frequency of War was the same as Magic (1/5). Thirdly, there was only one Death game, and that was versus a Zombie Death. Lastly, there were no Light decks seen in this climb. This is generally a good split of decks to be against as Structure Magic, and I am certain that this helped me this week.

" " \"deckfaced.PNG\"""

Figure two explains the frequency of wins/losses against each Hero. Each outline corresponds to ‘2’, such that if the orange line is at the first outline, that signifies two losses, same with blue one, etc.. In this graph we can see that we particularly farmed the nature Decks, as we won 9/12 against Nature. Furthermore, we can see that Magic this week was a free win for me, going 5/5. A couple losses against War and Nature, with one Zombie Death loss: nothing crazy.

" " \"winloss.PNG\"""

Matchup specific information

" " \"image.png\"""BIG BEAST NATURE (Chances: High)


" "mulligan nature.png""

Key cards:

" "key druid.png""

Tips/tricks: Always beware of Canopy Barrage/Lightning strike, especially before playing All-Seeing Spire or Shaped blast. Epiphany deals with the Giant Penguin. Do not be afraid to go down to 10 health, as Nature does not typically play any direct damage that can kill you, and their hero power does not target you.

" " \"image.png\""" FRENZY WAR (Chances: Low-Medium)


" "mulligan war.png""

Key cards:

" "key war.png""

Tips/tricks: Do not let the War get creatures on board, destroy them instantly with your spells. Always watch your health and have a mental image of how many turns you have left till you are dead from his hero power (tic-toc). In this matchup it is important to get your cards out early, control the board, and once you have calmed down the minions, you need to either pick up a Snowstorm Spire which will negate his hero power, sometimes for 5 turns, or delve a creature that heals you. If you manage to stablizie with a Spire, the game is over. Watch out for Sole Survivor, another reason we always try to clear their board.

" " \"image.png\""" SPELL MAGIC (Chances: Medium/High)


" "mulligan magic.png""

Key cards:

" "key magic.png""

Tips/tricks: This is an interesting matchup, due to the different natures of these magic decks. We are generally much better off if we manage to survive the early game, because they do not play a lot of minions, which gives us the possibility to delve more creatures and win the late game. Oni Spellsword needs to be dealt with immediately, huge pain in the ass. Also remember to count enemy removal, as it is crucial to know whether they can burst you at any point. These decks typically play 20+ damage that can hit your face, and you do not. Keep this in mind. Also, since they don’t have a Ratify (usually), Helian Elite is strong and trials on the Labyrinth Guard is also sometimes good enough.

" " \" \" \\" \\" \\\" \\\" \\\\" \\\\"B1.png\\\\"\\\\"\\\"\\\"\\"\\"\"\"""

Shout-outs to: @Kephler for the tool to showcase the cards, @freezetag for the headers, to Gods Unchained for making the game which I have screenshotted from, and GUdecks for providing the statistics in the aforementioned game.

" " \" \" \\"Chef makss.png\\"\"\"""

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